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Pansichar - a pointer to an ansichar value

type PAnsiChar = ^AnsiChar; Description The PAnsiChar type is a pointer to an AnsiChar value. It can also be used to point to characters within an AnsiString, as in the example code. As with other pointers, integer arithmetic, such as Inc and Dec can be performed on a PAnsiChar variable, also shown in the example. Notes PAnsiChar is principally used when processing null-terminated (C-like) strings. Related commands $ExtendedSyntax Controls some Pascal extension handling AnsiChar A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size AnsiString A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars Dec Decrement an ordinal variable Inc Increment an ordinal variable PChar A pointer to an Char value PWideChar Pointer to a WideChar Example code : Display all characters in an AnsiString var myString : AnsiString; myCharPtr : PAnsiChar; i : Integer; begin // Create a string of AnsiChar's myString := 'Hello World'; // Point to the first character in the string i := 1; myCharPtr := Addr(myString[i]); // Display all characters in the string while i <= Length(myString) do begin ShowMessage(myCharPtr^); Inc(i); Inc(myCharPtr); end; end; Show full unit code H e l l o W o r l d