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Categories / Delphi / Types

Boolean - allows just true and false values

type Boolean = (False, True); Description The Boolean type provides an enumeration of the logical True and False values. Unlike other languages, it is not a number - it will only allow these values. This makes the code much more reliable. Notes Using calculations to test for true or false is a C like practice, but is supported in Delphi. Use the following to hold such a logical number: ByteBool WordBool LongBool Related commands And Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments If Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next Not Boolean Not or bitwise not of one arguments Or Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments Xor Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments Example code : Boolean assignments and tests var same : Boolean; small, large, i : Integer; begin small := 23; large := 455555; // Test directly to see if these numbers are the same size if small = large then ShowMessage('small = large') else ShowMessage('small <> large'); // Use a Boolean to hold and test this outcome same := (small = large); if same then ShowMessage('small = large') else ShowMessage('small <> large'); // Assign a direct logical value to this Boolean same := True; if same then ShowMessage('same is True') else ShowMessage('same is False'); end; Show full unit code small <> large small <> large same is True