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Ansichar - a character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size

type AnsiChar = #0..#255; Description The AnsiChar type is used to hold single characters. It is guaranteed to be 8 bits in size. At the time of writing, it is the same size as Char but the latter may change in the future. It can be assigned from a character or integer value. Related commands AnsiString A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars Char Variable type holding a single character PAnsiChar A pointer to an AnsiChar value WideChar Variable type holding a single International character Example code : Different ways of assigning to and from an AnsiChar var myChar : AnsiChar; begin myChar := 'G'; // Assign from a character constant ShowMessage('Letter G = '+myChar); myChar := #65; // Assign from an integer constant ShowMessage('#65 = '+myChar); myChar := ^I; // Assign from a control char - tab ShowMessage('Control '+myChar+' character'); myChar := Chr(66); // Using Chr to convert a number ShowMessage('Chr(66) = '+myChar); myChar := Char(67); // Using Char as a standard cast ShowMessage('Char(67) = '+myChar); end; Show full unit code Letter G = G #65 = A Control character Chr(66) = B Char(67) = C