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Xp için kurtarma noktası belirlemek[sistemi şu tarihe al]

{ If you haven't installed the Microsoft Scripting Control yet (TScriptControl component), get it from Once you've downloaded and run the installation, start Delphi and go to the Component | Import ActiveX Control... menu. Select "Microsoft Script Control 1.0" from the Listbox amd click "Install" to install the component into Delphi's palette. What you should end up with now is a TScriptControl component on your ActiveX tab. Start a new application, and drop a TButton, and a TScriptControl onto the main form. In the OnClick event of Button1, put the following code: } { Wenn du das Microsoft Scripting Control noch nicht installiert hast (Komponente TScriptControl), dann kannst du hier runterladen: Nachdem Herunterladen und der Installation wähle in der Delphi IDE unter dem Menü "Komponente" den Menüpunkt "ActiveX importieren". Dann in der Listbox "Microsoft Script Control 1.0" auswählen und "Installieren..." anklicken. Nun sollte die TScriptControl Komponente unter dem ActiveX Register zu finden sein. Plaziere nun eine TScriptControl Komponente und einen TButton auf einer Form und schreibe im OnClick Ereignis des Buttons den folgenden Code: } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var sr: OLEVAriant; begin ScriptControl1.Language := 'VBScript'; sr := ScriptControl1.Eval('getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:Systemrestore")'); if sr.CreateRestorePoint('Automatic Restore Point', 0, 100) = 0 then ShowMessage('New Restore Point successfully created.') // Wiederherstellungspunkt erfolgreich erstellt else ShowMessage('Restore Point creation Failed!'); // Wiederherstellungspunkt Erstellung fehlgeschlagen. end; {*****************************************************} {2. Using the SRSetRestorePoint() API from SrClient.dll} // Translation from SRRestorePtAPI.h const // Type of Event BEGIN_SYSTEM_CHANGE = 100; END_SYSTEM_CHANGE = 101; // Type of Restore Points APPLICATION_INSTALL = 0; CANCELLED_OPERATION = 13; MAX_DESC = 64; MIN_EVENT = 100; // Restore point information type PRESTOREPTINFOA = ^_RESTOREPTINFOA; _RESTOREPTINFOA = packed record dwEventType: DWORD; // Type of Event - Begin or End dwRestorePtType: DWORD; // Type of Restore Point - App install/uninstall llSequenceNumber: INT64; // Sequence Number - 0 for begin szDescription: array [0..MAX_DESC] of CHAR; // Description - Name of Application / Operation end; RESTOREPOINTINFO = _RESTOREPTINFOA; PRESTOREPOINTINFOA = ^_RESTOREPTINFOA; // Status returned by System Restore PSMGRSTATUS = ^_SMGRSTATUS; _SMGRSTATUS = packed record nStatus: DWORD; // Status returned by State Manager Process llSequenceNumber: INT64; // Sequence Number for the restore point end; STATEMGRSTATUS = _SMGRSTATUS; PSTATEMGRSTATUS = ^_SMGRSTATUS; function SRSetRestorePointA(pRestorePtSpec: PRESTOREPOINTINFOA; pSMgrStatus: PSTATEMGRSTATUS): Bool; stdcall; external 'SrClient.dll' Name 'SRSetRestorePointA'; // Example how to create and cancel a previous restore point. // Ref: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const CR = #13#10; var RestorePtSpec: RESTOREPOINTINFO; SMgrStatus: STATEMGRSTATUS; begin // Initialize the RESTOREPOINTINFO structure RestorePtSpec.dwEventType := BEGIN_SYSTEM_CHANGE; RestorePtSpec.dwRestorePtType := APPLICATION_INSTALL; RestorePtSpec.llSequenceNumber := 0; RestorePtSpec.szDescription := 'SAMPLE RESTORE POINT'; if (SRSetRestorePointA(@RestorePtSpec, @SMgrStatus)) then begin ShowMessage('Restore point set. Restore point data:' + CR+ 'Sequence Number: ' + Format('%d', [SMgrStatus.llSequenceNumber]) + CR+ 'Status: ' + Format('%u', [SMgrStatus.nStatus])); // Restore Point Spec to cancel the previous restore point. RestorePtSpec.dwEventType := END_SYSTEM_CHANGE; RestorePtSpec.dwRestorePtType := CANCELLED_OPERATION; RestorePtSpec.llSequenceNumber := SMgrStatus.llSequenceNumber; // This is the sequence number returned by the previous call. // Canceling the previous restore point if (SRSetRestorePointA(@RestorePtSpec, @SMgrStatus)) then ShowMessage('Restore point canceled. Restore point data:' + CR+ 'Sequence Number: ' + Format('%d', [SMgrStatus.llSequenceNumber]) + CR+ 'Status: ' + Format('%u', [SMgrStatus.nStatus])) else ShowMessage('Couldn''t cancel restore point.'); end else ShowMessage('Couldn''t set restore point.'); end; end;