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User list on Windows NT

Title: User list on Windows NT Question: How to retrieve a list of the users on Windows NT Answer: Windows exposes LanMan 32-bit Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to provide network services. These APIs are called only from 32-bit programs and are used to control both the local and remote Windows machines that you have permission to access. The following code sample demonstrates how to retrieve information about the user accounts on a server with a call to the NetUserEnum function. User account names are limited to 20 characters and group names are limited to 256 characters. In addition, account names cannot be terminated by a period and they cannot include commas or any of the following printable characters: ", /, \, [, ], :, |, , +, =, ;, ?, *. Names also cannot include nonprintable characters in the ranges 1-7, 10-17, 20-27, and 30-37. First, we will need some API functions: Const NERR_Success = 0; function NetApiBufferAllocate (ByteCount: DWORD; var Buffer: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll'; function NetGetDCName(servername: LPCWSTR; domainname: LPCWSTR; bufptr: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll'; function NetApiBufferFree (Buffer: Pointer): DWORD ; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll'; Function NetWkstaGetInfo (ServerName : LPWSTR; Level : DWORD; BufPtr : Pointer) : Longint; Stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll' Name 'NetWkstaGetInfo'; function NetUserEnum(servername: LPCWSTR; level: DWORD; filter: DWORD; var bufptr: Pointer; prefmaxlen: DWORD; var entriesread: DWORD; var totalentries: DWORD; resume_handle: PDWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll'; type WKSTA_INFO_100 = Record wki100_platform_id : DWORD; wki100_computername : LPWSTR; wki100_langroup : LPWSTR; wki100_ver_major : DWORD; wki100_ver_minor : DWORD; End; LPWKSTA_INFO_100 = ^WKSTA_INFO_100; _USER_INFO_0 = record usri0_name: LPWSTR; end; TUserInfo0 = _USER_INFO_0; You must be a member of the Administrators local group to successfully execute NetWkstaSetInfo on a remote server or on a computer that has local security enabled. function GetNetParam(AParam : integer) : string; Var PBuf : LPWKSTA_INFO_100; Res : LongInt; begin result := ''; Res := NetWkstaGetInfo (Nil, 100, @PBuf); If Res = NERR_Success Then begin case AParam of 0: Result := string(PBuf^.wki100_computername); 1: Result := string(PBuf^.wki100_langroup); end; end; end; Following function returns the name of the local computer: function GetComputerName : string; begin Result := GetNetParam(0); end; Following function returns the name of the domain to which the computer belongs: function GetDomainName : string; begin Result := GetNetParam(1); end; The GetDomainControllerName function returns the name of the primary domain controller (PDC). It does not return the name of the backup domain controller (BDC) for the specified domain. function GetDomainControllerName(const ADomainName : string) : string; var wDomainName : WideString; Controller : PWideChar; begin wDomainName := AdomainName; NetGetDCName (Nil, PWideChar (wDomainName), @Controller); Result := WideCharToString(controller); NetAPIBufferFree (Controller); end; procedure GetUsers(Users : TStringList; AServer : string); type TUserInfoArr = array[0..(MaxInt - 4) div SizeOf(TUserInfo0)] of TUserInfo0; var UserInfo: Pointer; EntriesRead, TotalEntries, ResumeHandle: DWORD; Res: DWORD; i: Integer; FServer : WideString; begin FServer := AServer; ResumeHandle := 0; repeat Res := NetUserEnum(PWideChar(FServer), 0, 0, UserInfo, 64 * SizeOf(TUserInfo0), EntriesRead, TotalEntries, @ResumeHandle); if (Res = NERR_SUCCESS) or (Res = ERROR_MORE_DATA) then begin for i := 0 to EntriesRead - 1 do Users.Add(TUserInfoArr(UserInfo^)[i].usri0_name); NetApiBufferFree(UserInfo); end; until Res ERROR_MORE_DATA; end; To get a list of the users on local computer you can use the result of the function GetComputerName as a second parameter of the GetUsers function. To get a list of the users from PDC you can use GetDomainController function to get PDC name. If you are programming for Active Directory, you may be able to call certain Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) methods to achieve the same functionality you can achieve by calling the network management user functions.