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Use tmemorystream to save data

{Think of memory stream as a file that is located in memory. So the writes are very similar to the write command for files. (Actually it is closer to the blockwrite command.)} {To put a string the slow way you could do the following:} for i := 1 to Length(s) do memstream.Write(s[i], 1); {That would write the string one character at a time. Simple and easy to understand, but a bit slow. A faster way would be to do the following:} memstream.Write(s[1], Length(s)); {The two lines do the same thing, they append characters to the stream. If you have never done a seek on the stream, they just append to the end.} {Now to handle the line feeds you have to add them yourself:} memstream.Write(#13, 1); memstream.Write(#10, 1); {Or you could do some sneaky things like this:} procedure StreamWriteStr(var ms: TMemoryStream; s: string); begin ms.Write(s[1], Length(s)); end; procedure StreamWriteLnStr(var ms: TMemoryStream; s: string); begin StreamWriteStr(ms, s + #13#10); end; {Or you could create you own descendant class of TMemoryStream with a method to write strings.}