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Use API to gradient fill areas

Title: Use API to gradient fill areas Question: I am trying to use GradientFill API, but I get some weird results. Why? Answer: Because the declaration of the _TRIVERTEX structure is wrong! This is how the structure is declared: ... COLOR16 = Shortint; ... _TRIVERTEX = packed record x: Longint; y: Longint; Red: COLOR16; Green: COLOR16; Blue: COLOR16; Alpha: COLOR16; end; Although the structure declaration itself is correct, the COLOR16 type should be of type Smallint. This makes the size of structure 4 bytes shorter than expected by the API and gives the weird behaviour. You can follow two ways to solve the problem: Hard way: correct the error in Windows.pas and recompile the VCL library. Easy way: declare in your programs the correct _TRIVERTEX structure and redeclare the GradientFill API to match the new structure declaration. Here follows a sample unit that show how to do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unit Unit7; interface uses Windows, Forms; type _TRIVERTEX = packed record x: Dword; y: DWord; Red: Word; Green: Word; Blue: Word; Alpha: Word; end; TForm7 = class(TForm) procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form7: TForm7; implementation function GradientFill(Handle: HDC; pVertex: Pointer; dwNumVertex: DWORD; pMesh: Pointer; dwNumMesh: DWORD; dwMode: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; External 'msimg32.dll'; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm7.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var udtVertex: array [0..1] of _TRIVERTEX; rectGradient: TGradientRect; begin with udtVertex[0] do begin x := 0; y := 0; Red := 0; Green := 0; Blue := 0; Alpha := 0; end; with udtVertex[1] do begin x := Width; y := 24; Red := $ff00; Green := $ff00; Blue := $ff00; Alpha := $0000; end; rectGradient.UpperLeft := 0; rectGradient.LowerRight := 1; GradientFill(Canvas.Handle, @udtVertex, 2, @rectGradient, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H); end; procedure TForm7.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin repaint; end; end.