Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / System

Transition the system from the working state to the standby- hibernate state

{ The SetSuspendState function suspends the system by shutting power down. Depending on the Hibernate parameter, the system either enters a suspend (sleep) state or hibernation. Syntax: } function SetSuspendState( Hibernate: Boolean, ForceCritical: Boolean, DisableWakeEvent: Boolean); { Parameters: Hibernate: If this parameter is TRUE, the system hibernates. If the parameter is FALSE, the system is suspended. ForceCritical: If this parameter is TRUE, the system suspends operation immediately; if it is FALSE, the system broadcasts a PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event to each application to request permission to suspend operation. DisableWakeEvent: If this parameter is TRUE, the system disables all wake events. If the parameter is FALSE, any system wake events remain enabled. Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows 2000 and later. Windows 95/98/Me: Included in Windows 98 and later. } var _SetSuspendState: function (Hibernate, ForceCritical, DisableWakeEvent: BOOL): BOOL stdcall = nil; function LinkAPI(const module, functionname: string): Pointer; forward; function SetSuspendState(Hibernate, ForceCritical, DisableWakeEvent: Boolean): Boolean; begin if not Assigned(_SetSuspendState) then @_SetSuspendState := LinkAPI('POWRPROF.dll', 'SetSuspendState'); if Assigned(_SetSuspendState) then Result := _SetSuspendState(Hibernate, ForceCritical, DisableWakeEvent) else Result := False; end; function LinkAPI(const module, functionname: string): Pointer; var hLib: HMODULE; begin hLib := GetModulehandle(PChar(module)); if hLib = 0 then hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(module)); if hLib <> 0 then Result := getProcAddress(hLib, PChar(functionname)) else Result := nil; end; // Example Call: // Beispielaufruf: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SetSuspendState(True, False, False); end;