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Trace Route to IP Address (Like Windows TRACERT)

Title: Trace Route to IP Address (Like Windows TRACERT) Question: This class implements a trace route to target ip address similar to the Windows command line TraceRt. The class is a lot faster than the Windows command as we do not resolve names using DNS and only ping once as opposed to four times. The results are returned in a passed TStrings structure in semi-colon delimited fields IP; TIME; TTL; STATUS. Setable properties are IcmpTimeOut (Default 5000ms) and IcmpMaxHops (Default 40) Code Example procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var RT : TTraceRoute; begin RT := TTraceRoute.Create; RT.Trace('',ListBox1.Items); RT.Free; end; Output Example;0;255;OK;94;254;OK;109;126;OK Answer: unit TraceRt; interface // =========================================================================== // TRACEROUTE Class // Mike Heydon Dec 2003 // // Method // Trace(IpAddress : string; ResultList : TStrings) // Returns semi-colon delimited list of ip routes to target // format .. IP ADDRESS; PING TIME MS; TIME TO LIVE; STATUS // // Properties // IcmpTimeOut : integer (Default = 5000ms) // IcmpMaxHops : integer (Default = 40) // =========================================================================== uses Forms, Windows, Classes, SysUtils, IdIcmpClient; type TTraceRoute = class(TObject) protected procedure ProcessResponse(Status : TReplyStatus); procedure AddRoute(AResponseTime : DWORD; AStatus: TReplyStatus; const AInfo: string ); private FIcmpTimeOut, FIcmpMaxHops : integer; FResults : TStringList; FICMP : TIdIcmpClient; FPingStart : cardinal; FCurrentTTL : integer; procedure PingTarget; public constructor Create; procedure Trace(const AIpAddress : string; AResultList : TStrings); property IcmpTimeOut : integer read FIcmpTimeOut write FIcmpTimeOut; property IcmpMaxHops : integer read FIcmpMaxHops write FIcmpMaxHops; end; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- implementation // ======================================== // Create the class and set defaults // ======================================== constructor TTraceRoute.Create; begin IcmpTimeOut := 5000; IcmpMaxHops := 40; end; // ============================================= // Use Indy component to ping hops to target // ============================================= procedure TTraceRoute.PingTarget; var wOldMode : DWORD; begin Application.ProcessMessages; inc(FCurrentTTL); if FCurrentTTL FICMP.TTL := FCurrentTTL; FICMP.ReceiveTimeout := FIcmpTimeOut; FPingStart := GetTickCount; wOldMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try FICMP.Ping; ProcessResponse(FICMP.ReplyStatus); except FResults.Add(';0;0;ERROR'); end; SetErrorMode(wOldMode); end else FResults.Add(';0;0;MAX HOPS EXCEEDED'); end; // ============================================================ // Add the ping reply status data to the returned stringlist // ============================================================ procedure TTraceRoute.AddRoute(AResponseTime : DWORD; AStatus: TReplyStatus; const AInfo: string ); begin FResults.Add(AStatus.FromIPAddress + ';' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - AResponseTime) + ';' + IntToStr(AStatus.TimeToLive) + ';' + AInfo); end; // ============================================================ // Process the ping reply status record and add to stringlist // ============================================================ procedure TTraceRoute.ProcessResponse(Status : TReplyStatus); begin case Status.ReplyStatusType of // Last Leg - Terminate Trace rsECHO : AddRoute(FPingStart,Status,'OK'); // More Hops to go - Continue Pinging rsErrorTTLExceeded : begin AddRoute(FPingStart,Status,'OK'); PingTarget; end; // Error conditions - Terminate Trace rsTimeOut : AddRoute(FPingStart,Status,'TIMEOUT'); rsErrorUnreachable : AddRoute(FPingStart,Status,'UNREACHABLE'); rsError : AddRoute(FPingStart,Status,'ERROR'); end; end; // ====================================================== // Trace route to target IP address // Results returned in semi-colon delimited stringlist // IP; TIME MS; TIME TO LIVE; STATUS // ====================================================== procedure TTraceRoute.Trace(const AIpAddress : string; AResultList : TStrings); begin FICMP := TIdIcmpClient.Create(nil); FICMP.Host := AIpAddress; FResults := TStringList(AResultList); FResults.Clear; FCurrentTTL := 0; PingTarget; FICMP.Free; end; {eof} end.