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The three ways to backup or restore Windows Registry

Title: The three ways to backup or restore Windows Registry. Question: How to backup and restore all registry or one branch of registry? Please read ... Answer: No 1.use regedit uses shellapi shellexecute(handle,'open','regedit.exe',' /e YourWantExportKey YourBackUpFilename','',sw_hide) No 2.Use windoews API RegSaveKey or RegRestoreKey The RegSaveKey function saves the specified key and all of its subkeys and values to a new file. LONG RegSaveKey( HKEY hKey, // handle of key where save begins LPCTSTR lpFile, // address of filename to save to LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes // address of security structure ); The RegRestoreKey function reads the registry information in a specified file and copies it over the specified key. This registry information may be in the form of a key and multiple levels of subkeys. LONG RegRestoreKey( HKEY hKey, // handle of key where restore begins LPCTSTR lpFile, // address of filename containing saved tree DWORD dwFlags // optional flags ); example code: procedure TFormMain.ButtonExportClick(Sender: TObject); var RootKey,phKey: hKey; KeyName,sKeyFileName: String; FileName: array [0..255] of char; begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; KeyName := 'software\mysoft\abc'; RegOpenKeyEx(RootKey, PChar(KeyName), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phKey); sKeyFileName := 'c:\tempReg'; StrPCopy(FileName,sKeyFileName); //or use pchar if RegSaveKey(phKey, FileName, nil)= 0 then ShowMessage('BACKUP OK!') else ShowMessage('BACKUP ERROR!'); RegCloseKey(phKey); end; procedure TFormMain.ButtonImportClick(Sender: TObject); var //Restore from file RootKey,phKey: hKey; KeyName,sKeyFileName: String; FileName: array [0..255] of char; begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; KeyName := 'software\mySoft\abc'; RegOpenKeyEx(RootKey, PChar(KeyName), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phKey); sKeyFileName := 'c:\tempReg'; StrPCopy(FileName,sKeyFileName); if RegRestoreKey(phKey, FileName,0)= 0 then ShowMessage('RESTORE OK!') else ShowMessage('RESTORE ERROR!'); RegCloseKey(phKey); end; No 3.Use TRegistry's savekey and restorekey var reg : Tregistry; begin reg := Tregistry.Create; reg.rootkey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; reg.Savekey('\Software\Wom','d:\test1\Wom'); end;