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System tray cleaning

This tip was posted to Borland newsgroups by Erik Turner. procedure RemoveDeadIcons; var TrayWindow : HWnd; WindowRect : TRect; SmallIconWidth : Integer; SmallIconHeight : Integer; CursorPos : TPoint; Row : Integer; Col : Integer; begin { Get tray window handle and bounding rectangle } TrayWindow := FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',NIL),0,'TrayNotifyWnd',NIL); if not GetWindowRect(TrayWindow,WindowRect) then Exit; { Get small icon metrics } SmallIconWidth := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); SmallIconHeight := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); { Save current mouse position } GetCursorPos(CursorPos); { Sweep the mouse cursor over each icon in the tray in both dimensions } with WindowRect do begin for Row := 0 to (Bottom - Top) DIV SmallIconHeight do begin for Col := 0 to (Right - Left) DIV SmallIconWidth do begin SetCursorPos(Left + Col * SmallIconWidth, Top + Row * SmallIconHeight); Sleep(0); end; end; end; { Restore mouse position } SetCursorPos(CursorPos.X,CursorPos.Y); { Redraw tray window (to fix bug in multi-line tray area) } RedrawWindow(TrayWindow,NIL,0,RDW_INVALIDATE OR RDW_ERASE OR RDW_UPDATENOW); end;