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Switch the XP startpanel to classic or XP style

Title: switch the XP startpanel to classic or XP style? (*********************************************************************** ** Who wants to know more about the method how I discovered all this ** may have a look at the following URL (German) or contact me via my ** forum: ** **,0,asc,0.html ***********************************************************************) type SHELLSTATE = record Flags1: DWORD; (* BOOL fShowAllObjects : 1; BOOL fShowExtensions : 1; BOOL fNoConfirmRecycle : 1; BOOL fShowSysFiles : 1; BOOL fShowCompColor : 1; BOOL fDoubleClickInWebView : 1; BOOL fDesktopHTML : 1; BOOL fWin95Classic : 1; BOOL fDontPrettyPath : 1; BOOL fShowAttribCol : 1; // No longer used, dead bit BOOL fMapNetDrvBtn : 1; BOOL fShowInfoTip : 1; BOOL fHideIcons : 1; BOOL fWebView : 1; BOOL fFilter : 1; BOOL fShowSuperHidden : 1; BOOL fNoNetCrawling : 1; *) dwWin95Unused: DWORD; // Win95 only - no longer supported pszHiddenFileExts uWin95Unused: UINT; // Win95 only - no longer supported cbHiddenFileExts // Note: Not a typo! This is a persisted structure so we cannot use LPARAM lParamSort: Integer; iSortDirection: Integer; version: UINT; // new for win2k. need notUsed var to calc the right size of ie4 struct // FIELD_OFFSET does not work on bit fields uNotUsed: UINT; // feel free to rename and use Flags2: DWORD; (* BOOL fSepProcess: 1; // new for Whistler. BOOL fStartPanelOn: 1; //Indicates if the Whistler StartPanel mode is ON or OFF. BOOL fShowStartPage: 1; //Indicates if the Whistler StartPage on desktop is ON or OFF. UINT fSpareFlags : 13; *) end; LPSHELLSTATE = ^SHELLSTATE; const SSF_SHOWALLOBJECTS = $00000001; SSF_SHOWEXTENSIONS = $00000002; SSF_HIDDENFILEEXTS = $00000004; SSF_SERVERADMINUI = $00000004; SSF_SHOWCOMPCOLOR = $00000008; SSF_SORTCOLUMNS = $00000010; SSF_SHOWSYSFILES = $00000020; SSF_DOUBLECLICKINWEBVIEW = $00000080; SSF_SHOWATTRIBCOL = $00000100; SSF_DESKTOPHTML = $00000200; SSF_WIN95CLASSIC = $00000400; SSF_DONTPRETTYPATH = $00000800; SSF_SHOWINFOTIP = $00002000; SSF_MAPNETDRVBUTTON = $00001000; SSF_NOCONFIRMRECYCLE = $00008000; SSF_HIDEICONS = $00004000; SSF_FILTER = $00010000; SSF_WEBVIEW = $00020000; SSF_SHOWSUPERHIDDEN = $00040000; SSF_SEPPROCESS = $00080000; SSF_NONETCRAWLING = $00100000; SSF_STARTPANELON = $00200000; SSF_SHOWSTARTPAGE = $00400000; procedure SHGetSetSettings(var lpss: SHELLSTATE; dwMask: DWORD; bSet: BOOL) stdcall; external 'shell32.dll'; procedure SwitchStartpanelXP(xpstyle: Boolean); var lpss: SHELLSTATE; bIsXPstyle: Boolean; begin ZeroMemory(@lpss, SizeOf(lpss)); // Retrieve current style SHGetSetSettings(lpss, SSF_STARTPANELON, False); // Check the current style bIsXPstyle := (lpss.Flags2 and 2) = 2; // fStartPanelOn // If a change occurred if (bIsXPstyle xpstyle) then begin // If the user wants XP style then set it, else reset it if (xpstyle) then lpss.Flags2 := 2 // fStartPanelOn = 1 else lpss.Flags2 := 0; // fStartPanelOn = 0 // Set new style SHGetSetSettings(lpss, SSF_STARTPANELON, True); // Notify desktop of the change PostMessage(FindWindow('Progman', nil), WM_USER + $60, 0, 0); end; // Notify taskbar PostMessage(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), WM_USER + $0D, 0, 0); end;