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Some useful Windows NT functions

Title: Some useful Windows NT functions Question: Some useful Windows NT Functions Answer: {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Name: unitNTFunctions Author: StewartM Documentation Date: 22 February, 2002 (11:04) Version 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: To provide a few handy Windows NT API functions. Description: Unit written by Stewart Moss (except where indicated) Some of the functions are incomplete or not tested. Copyright 2001 by Stewart Moss. All rights reserved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit unitNTFunctions; // Unit written by Stewart Moss (except where indicated) interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; const BSECURITY_NULL_SID_AUTHORITY = 0; BSECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY = 1; BSECURITY_LOCAL_SID_AUTHORITY = 2; BSECURITY_CREATOR_SID_AUTHORITY = 3; BSECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY = 5; SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID = $00000004; SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID = $00000020; DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS = $00000220; ACL_REVISION = 2; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION = 1; type PACE_Header = ^TACE_Header; TACE_Header = record AceType: BYTE; AceFlags: BYTE; AceSize: WORD; end; PAccess_Allowed_ACE = ^TAccess_Allowed_ACE; TAccess_Allowed_ACE = record Header: TACE_Header; Mask: ACCESS_MASK; SidStart: DWORD; end; const SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY: TSIDIdentifierAuthority = (Value: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)); function ISHandleAdministrator(UserToken: THandle): Boolean; function IsAdmin: Boolean; function ReturnUserHandle(Username: string): THandle; function IsWinNT: boolean; function TryToLoginAsUser(Username, Domain, Password: string): THandle; implementation function ISHandleAdministrator(UserToken: THandle): Boolean; // this function written by Stewart Moss var tmpBuffer: array[0..1024] of char; BufferPtr: Pointer; ptgGroups: PTokenGroups; dwInfoBufferSize: DWord; PSIDAdministrators: PSID; siaNTAuthority: SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY; X: DWord; bSuccess: Boolean; begin GetMem(PtgGroups, 1024); bSuccess := GetTokenInformation(UserToken, TokenGroups, ptgGroups, 1024, dwInfoBufferSize); result := false; if not bsuccess then exit; if not AllocateAndInitializeSid(siaNtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, psidAdministrators) then exit; for x := 0 to ptgGroups.GroupCount do begin if EqualSID(psidAdministrators, ptgGroups.Groups[x].SID) then begin result := true; break; end; end; freemem(PtgGroups); Freemem(PsidAdministrators); result := true; end; function IsAdmin: Boolean; // This function written by somebody else var hAccessToken: THandle; ptgGroups: PTokenGroups; dwInfoBufferSize: DWORD; psidAdministrators: PSID; x: Integer; bSuccess: BOOL; begin Result := False; bSuccess := OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread, TOKEN_QUERY, True, hAccessToken); if not bSuccess then begin if GetLastError = ERROR_NO_TOKEN then bSuccess := OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_QUERY, hAccessToken); end; if bSuccess then begin GetMem(ptgGroups, 1024); bSuccess := GetTokenInformation(hAccessToken, TokenGroups, ptgGroups, 1024, dwInfoBufferSize); CloseHandle(hAccessToken); if bSuccess then begin AllocateAndInitializeSid(SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, psidAdministrators); {$R-} for x := 0 to ptgGroups.GroupCount - 1 do if EqualSid(psidAdministrators, ptgGroups.Groups[x].Sid) then begin Result := True; Break; end; {$R+} FreeSid(psidAdministrators); end; FreeMem(ptgGroups); end; end; function ReturnUserHandle(Username: string): THandle; // Function written by Stewart Moss begin end; function IsWinNT: boolean; // Function Written by Stewart Moss var osv: TOSVERSIONINFO; begin result := false; osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeOf(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(osv); if (osv.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then result := true; end; function TryToLoginAsUser(Username, Domain, Password: string): THandle; // Function written by Stewart Moss // returns 0 if failed else User Handle var tmpstr: string; hToken: THandle; begin result := 0; if (UserName = '') or (Domain = '') then exit; if not LogonUser(PChar(Username), Pchar(Domain), PChar(Password), LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, hToken) then exit; result := hToken; end; (*function ApplySecurityDescriptorToRegistryKey(Key : Hkey): Boolean; var lRv : longint; siaNtAuthority : SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY; psidSystem, psidAdministrators: PSID; tmpACL : ACL; pNewDACL : PACL; dwACL : DWord; ACLRevision : ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION; begin siaNtAuthority := SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; result := false; InitializeSid(psidAdministrators, siaNtAuthority,2); InitializeSid(psidSystem, siaNtAuthority,1); //*(GetSidSubAuthority(psidAdministrators,0)) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; //*(GetSidSubAuthority(psidAdministrators,1)) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS; //*(GetSidSubAuthority(psidSystem,0)) = SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID; // getmem(pNewDACL, sizeof(PACL)); // pNewDACL := tmpAcl; dwAcl := sizeof(PACL); if not GETAclInformation(pnewAcl, if (not InitializeAcl(pnewDACL, dwACL, ACL_REVISION)) then exit; if (!AddAccessAllowedAce(pNewDACL, ACL_REVISION, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, psidAdministrators)) return FALSE; if (!AddAccessAllowedAce(pNewDACL, ACL_REVISION, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, psidSystem)) return FALSE; if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(psdAbsoluteSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) return FALSE; if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psdAbsoluteSD, TRUE, // fDaclPresent flag pNewDACL, FALSE)) // not a default DACL return FALSE; if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdAbsoluteSD)) return FALSE; lRv=RegSetKeySecurity(hKey, (SECURITY_INFORMATION)(DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION), psdAbsoluteSD); if (lRv!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; return TRUE; } *) function do_SetRegACL: boolean; var sia: TSIDIdentifierAuthority; pInteractiveSid, pAdministratorsSid: PSID; sd: Windows.TSecurityDescriptor; pDacl: PACL; dwAclSize: DWORD; aHKey: HKEY; lRetCode: longint; bSuccess: boolean; begin sia.Value[0] := 0; sia.Value[1] := 0; sia.Value[2] := 0; sia.Value[3] := 0; sia.Value[4] := 0; sia.Value[5] := BSECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; pInteractiveSid := nil; pAdministratorsSid := nil; pDacl := nil; bSuccess := false; // assume this function fails // // open the key for WRITE_DAC access // lRetCode := RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'SOFTWARE\Test', 0, WRITE_DAC, aHKey ); if(lRetCode ERROR_SUCCESS) then begin ShowMessage('Error in RegOpenKeyEx'); result := false; end; // // prepare a Sid representing any Interactively logged-on user // if( not AllocateAndInitializeSid( sia, 1, SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, pInteractiveSid )) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: AllocateAndInitializeSid'); //goto cleanup; end; // // prepare a Sid representing the well-known admin group // if(not AllocateAndInitializeSid( sia, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, pAdministratorsSid )) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: AllocateAndInitializeSid'); // goto cleanup; end; // // compute size of new acl // dwAclSize := sizeof(TACL) + 2 * ( sizeof(TAccess_Allowed_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD) ) + GetLengthSid(pInteractiveSid) + GetLengthSid(pAdministratorsSid) ; // // allocate storage for Acl // pDacl := PACL(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwAclSize)); //if(pDacl == nil) goto cleanup; if( not InitializeAcl(pDacl^, dwAclSize, ACL_REVISION)) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: InitializeAcl'); //goto cleanup; end; // // grant the Interactive Sid KEY_READ access to the perf key // if(not AddAccessAllowedAce( pDacl^, ACL_REVISION, KEY_READ, pInteractiveSid )) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: AddAccessAllowedAce'); //goto cleanup; end; // // grant the Administrators Sid KEY_ALL_ACCESS access to the perf key // if(not AddAccessAllowedAce( pDacl^, ACL_REVISION, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, pAdministratorsSid )) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: AddAccessAllowedAce'); //goto cleanup; end; if(not InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: InitializeSecurityDescriptor'); //goto cleanup; end; if(not SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@sd, TRUE, pDacl, FALSE)) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: SetSecurityDescriptorDacl'); //goto cleanup; end; // // apply the security descriptor to the registry key // lRetCode := RegSetKeySecurity( aHKey, SECURITY_INFORMATION(DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION), @sd ); if(lRetCode ERROR_SUCCESS) then begin ShowMessage('Error in: RegSetKeySecurity'); //goto cleanup; end; bSuccess := TRUE; // indicate success end; end.