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Show Hide The System Tray (professional way) !!

Title: Show Hide The System Tray (professional way) !! Question: Well, i see many codes that can hide the taskbar or the start button, how can i hide the ((systray)) ONLY ?? Answer: here is the function !! procedure hideStartbutton(visi:boolean); Var Tray, Child : hWnd; C : Array[0..127] of Char; S : String; Begin Tray := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', NIL); Child := GetWindow(Tray, GW_CHILD); While Child 0 do Begin If GetClassName(Child, C, SizeOf(C)) 0 Then Begin S := StrPAS(C); If UpperCase(S) = 'TRAYNOTIFYWND' then begin If Visi then ShowWindow(Child, 1) else ShowWindow(Child, 0); end; End; Child := GetWindow(Child, GW_HWNDNEXT); End; End; to show it use hideStartbutton(true); or hideStartbutton(false); to hide it !! Have Fun !!