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Categories / Delphi / System

Setting the caption of other windows

Title: Setting the caption of other windows Question: I'm hooking into windows, and wish to change the caption of the titlebar to reflect that I am modifying its behaviour. How can I do this? Answer: Code: setlength(wndtext, 78); GetWindowText(pMouse.hwnd, PChar(wndtext), 78); if pos('with added MyApp functionality', wndtext) = 0 then begin wndtext := copy(wndtext, 1, pos(#0, wndtext) - 1); SetWindowText(pMouse.hwnd, PChar(wndtext + ' - with added MyApp functionality')); end; Additional Info: pMouse.hwnd is the window handle. 78 is the max length of a title bar caption. wndtext is a normal string. I got the window handle from hooking in WH_MOUSE, the info which it provides on the window being manipulated can be got like so: function MouseHookProc(Code: integer; Msg: WParam; MouseHook: Pointer): LResult; stdcall; var pMouse: ^MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT; begin pMouse := MouseHook; . . The code supplied here works fine on d5 and win2k, and should work fine on all other 32 bit windows and delphi versions.