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Send string via Windows API to Delphis (or others) Debugger

Title: Send string via Windows API to Delphi's (or other's) Debugger? {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Name : DelphiDebug Author : Loïs Bégué Date : 10-Jan-2005 Purpose : Send string via Windows API to Delphi's (or other's) Debugger The Delphi Debugger will put the messages in the event protocol window of the IDE (Ctrl +Alt + V) Each line may include a time stamp / duration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit DelphiDebug; interface uses Windows, Sysutils; procedure DebugStringStart(aCaption, aText: string); procedure DebugStringStop(aCaption, aText: string); procedure DebugString(aCaption, aText: string); implementation uses Dialogs; type TDebugStringProc = procedure(aCaption, aText: string); var StartDT: TDateTime; StopDT: TDateTime; StartDTPrec: Int64; StopDTPrec: Int64; PerfFrequency: Int64; DSStart: TDebugStringProc; DSStop: TDebugStringProc; DSStr: TDebugStringProc; // GetFormatDT - Output = formated DateTime String function GetFormatDT(aDateTime: TDateTime): string; begin Result := FormatDateTime(' hh:nn:ss zzz', aDateTime); end; // GetFormatT - Output = formated Time String function GetFormatT(aDateTime: TDateTime): string; begin Result := FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss zzz', aDateTime) end; // _DebugStringStart - internal: Debug string at start time procedure _DebugStringStart(aCaption, aText: string); begin StartDT := Now; OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s] %s', [aCaption, GetFormatDT(StartDT), aText]))); end; // _DebugStringStop - internal: Debug string at stop time procedure _DebugStringStop(aCaption, aText: string); begin StopDT := Now; OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s][%s] %s', [aCaption, GetFormatDT(StopDT), GetFormatT(StopDT - StartDT), aText]))); end; // _DebugStringStart - internal: Debug string at start time (high definition) procedure _DebugStringStartPrecision(aCaption, aText: string); begin QueryPerformanceCounter(StartDTPrec); OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s] %s', [aCaption, GetFormatDT(Now()), aText]))); end; // _DebugStringStop - internal: Debug string at stop time (high definition) in ms procedure _DebugStringStopPrecision(aCaption, aText: string); begin QueryPerformanceCounter(StopDTPrec); OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s][%.2n ms] %s', [aCaption, GetFormatDT(Now()), (1000 * (StopDTPrec - StartDTPrec) / PerfFrequency), aText]))); end; // DebugStringStart - external: wrapper function procedure DebugStringStart(aCaption, aText: string); begin DSStart(aCaption, aText); end; // DebugStringStop - external: wrapper function procedure DebugStringStop(aCaption, aText: string); begin DSStop(aCaption, aText); end; // DebugString - external: direct mode procedure DebugString(aCaption, aText: string); begin OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s] %s', [aCaption, GetFormatDT(Now()), aText]))); end; initialization // If the high definition mode's available, then // link external calls to the "Precision" functions ... if QueryPerformanceFrequency(PerfFrequency) then begin DSStart := _DebugStringStartPrecision; DSStop := _DebugStringStopPrecision; end // ... else link to the "normal" ones. else begin DSStart := _DebugStringStart; DSStop := _DebugStringStop; end; end. {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure : btnTestDelphiDebugMessageClick Author : Loïs Bégué Date : 10-Jan-2005 Purpose : Sample usage of the DelphiDebug functionality -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TForm1.btnTestDelphiDebugMessageClick(Sender: TObject); begin (* Single start-stop *) DebugStringStart('Test', 'First Step Start'); // ... do something ... DebugStringStop('Test', 'First Step End'); (* or multi stop *) DebugStringStart('Test', 'First Step'); // ... do something ... DebugStringStop('Test', 'Second Step'); // ... do something ... DebugStringStop('Test', 'Third Step'); // ... do something ... DebugStringStop('Test', 'Fourth Step'); (* or position marking *) // ... do something ... DebugString('Test', 'This line has been fired at the given time...'); // ... do something ... end;