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Read user name from system or network (including Novell)

Title: Read user name from system or network (including Novell) Question: How to retrieve currently logged-in user name in Delphi from system ? (including WinNT and Novell) Answer: There are many ways to do it. Here is a list of methods to read user name. These methods handle both kinds of names: standalone system (MS Windows) and network user name. 1. Windows API You call windows API's function GetUserName. Example: ====================================== function GetSysUserName: string; const BUF_SIZE = 255; var dw:DWORD; Buffer:string; begin dw := BUF_SIZE; SetLength(Buffer,dw); result :=''; if GetUserName(@(Buffer[1]),dw) then result :=StrPas(@(Buffer[1])); end; ====================================== 2. BDE This function works, if BDE is installed. If not, it will not execute correctly, I presume. Example: ====================================== function GetBDEUserName:string; var SysConfigInfo: SYSConfig; begin try Check(DbiGetSysConfig(SysConfigInfo)); result := SysConfigInfo.szUserName; except result :=''; // empty name on error end; end; ====================================== 3. Environment This method reads environment variable set by Windows system after login in. Value returned by this function is a user name logged into system (not network). Example: ====================================== function TForm1.GetEnvirName: string; var buf:array[1..512] of char; iSize:DWORD; begin iSize := GetEnvironmentVariable('USERNAME', @buf, 512); buf[iSize+1] := #0; result := StrPas(@buf); end; ====================================== 4. MS Access function named "AdvApiGetUserName". I don't know when this function doesn't work, but it can be usefull if other methods will fail. Example: ====================================== // import function from DLL function AdvApiGetUserName(ABuffer:PChar; var nSize:longint):longint; stdcall; external advapi32 name 'GetUserNameA'; // call function function TForm1.GetAccessName: string; var buf:array[1..512] of char; iSize:longint; iError:longint; begin iSize := 512; iError := AdvApiGetUserName(@buf, iSize); buf[iSize+1] := #0; result := StrPas(@buf); end; ====================================== 5. Windows network API's function "WNetGetUser". Another function of Windows API, this time specialized for network environments, but doesn't work with Novell if double log-in is applied (one log-in into Windows, second into Novell client). Example: ====================================== function TForm1.GetWNetName: string; var buf:array[1..512] of char; len:DWORD; begin len := 512; if WNetGetUser(nil, @buf, len)NO_ERROR then result := '' else begin result := StrPas(@buf); end; end; ====================================== 6. Novell registry value Reads currently logged-in user name from Novell client settings (registry). Example: ====================================== function TForm1.GetNovRegName: string; var Reg :TRegIniFile; begin Reg := TRegIniFile.Create('Volatile Environment'); try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; result := Reg.ReadString('','NWUSERNAME',''); finally reg.Free; end; end; ====================================== The included Delphi source codes I've developed using Delphi 3. I've also included a compiled version. Test application is using all methods mentioned above to read user name and displays results of each method on the screen.