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Read msn user contact list

(********************************************************************* this code was tested with microsoft messenger 4.6.. not yet tested on 6.1 or 6.2 this code shows you all msn contact/allow/block user list from registry, you know, this values type is Binary.. good luck.. if you have news please write me, thx.. written by neoturk from turkey *********************************************************************) //.. put the memo on the form, name as memo2 .. function msnlist(xx: string): string; var x2, x, x3, xtemp: string; reg: TRegistry; fBuffer: array [0..1024] of Byte; m, n: Longint; begin Form1.Memo2.Clear; for n := 0 to 125 do begin x2 := xx + IntToStr(n); reg := TRegistry.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\MessengerService\ListCache\.NET Messenger Service', False); if reg.ValueExists(x2) then begin reg.ReadBinaryData(x2, fBuffer, 1024); m := 0; x := ''; x3 := ''; repeat xtemp := IntToHex(fbuffer[m], 2); x := x + xtemp + ' '; x3 := x3 + chr(StrToInt('$' + xtemp)); m := m + 1; until m >= 1024; Form1.Memo2.Lines.Add(x2 + '=' + x3); //showmessage(trim(x2+'='+x3)); end; end; reg.CloseKey; reg.Free; Result := Form1.Memo2.Text; //final end; // in your program: procedure DoSomething; begin //... memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add(msnlist('allow')); memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add('Reverse_list:'); memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add(msnlist('reverse')); memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add('Contact_list:'); memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add(msnlist('contact')); memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add('Block_list:'); memo5.Lines.Add('--------------'); memo5.Lines.Add(msnlist('block')); //......ok. end;