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Quickly Load MDI Child Windows in Delphi MDI Applications Avoid Resize Animation

Title: Quickly Load MDI Child Windows in Delphi MDI Applications - Avoid Resize Animation If you are creating MDI applications using Delphi, you must have noticed some "quirks" or issues that you cannot simply handle / fix from your code. MDI interface was designed in the days of Windows 3 (some 10+ years ago) and it was designed with a single type of application in mind: a parent window that hosts multiple instances of the same class of "document" window (just think of you first MS Word). Nasty MDI Child Resizing Animation When creating (to show) an MDI child an animation of resizing will take place. This animation might look ugly if the code executed during the creation of your MDI child takes some time to process. Even if WindowState property was set to wsMaximized when an MDI child is created it will be created using Default Pos at X, Y coordinates where you left your form at design time. Windows simply insists on creating MDI children visible and at a default position. After creation, the MDI child will get maximized but an ugly animation will take place. Quickly Create MDI Children - Eliminate "Create & Resize" Animation To eliminate the MDI child creation and resizing animation you can send a special message to the MDI parent form, WM_SETREDRAW. The WM_SETREDRAW can be sent to a window to enable changes in that window to be redrawn or to prevent changes in that window from being redrawn. To prevent the animation flicker, have the next code in your MDI Parent form's unit: TMDIMainForm = class(TForm) private fLockClientWindowUpdateCount: Integer; public constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent) ; override; procedure LockClientWindowUpdate; procedure UnlockClientWindowUpdate; end; ... constructor TMDIMainForm.Create(aOwner: TComponent) ; begin inherited Create(aOwner) ; fLockClientWindowUpdateCount := 0; end; procedure TMDIMainForm.LockClientWindowUpdate; begin if fLockClientWindowUpdateCount = 0 then SendMessage(ClientHandle, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0) ; Inc(fLockClientWindowUpdateCount) ; end; procedure TMDIMainForm.UnlockClientWindowUpdate; begin Dec(fLockClientWindowUpdateCount) ; if fLockClientWindowUpdateCount = 0 then begin SendMessage(ClientHandle, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0) ; RedrawWindow(ClientHandle, nil, 0, RDW_FRAME or RDW_INVALIDATE or RDW_ALLCHILDREN or RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT) end end; Now, when you need to create (and show) an MDI client form(s), just call LockClientWindowUpdate and UnlockClientWindowUpdate. If a client window takes some time to create, you can change the cursor to let the user something (form creation) is going on: LockClientWindowUpdate; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; try Application.CreateForm(MDIChildForm) ; finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault; UnlockClientWindowUpdate; end; That's it. Now your MDI child forms will load faster and without the confusing animation.