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Preventing tab from switching controls

Title: Preventing tab from switching controls Question: I want to use the tab key for auto-complete, not to switch controls. How can I do this? Answer: Info: First stage is to prevent the tab key from performing its usual function. It can be trapped like this: Definition: procedure CMDialogKey( Var msg: TCMDialogKey ); message CM_DIALOGKEY; Declaration: procedure TMainFrm.CMDialogKey(var msg: TCMDialogKey); begin if msg.Charcode VK_TAB then inherited; end; Now the KeyDown procedure for your control 'sees' the tab being pressed, so its just a matter of: procedure TmainFrm.TextBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_TAB then (autocomplete code) end; Easy when you know how. Tested with D5 and w2k/95/98 and NT4. Should work fine with other delphi versions, but untested.