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Prevent the System from Entering Sleep or Turning off the Display while your Delphi Application is Running

Title: Prevent the System from Entering Sleep or Turning off the Display while your Delphi Application is Running Submitted by Jens Borrisholt Windows detects activities such as keyboard or mouse input - after a "longer" idle time the system might go to sleep mode and/or power off the display device. If you have a critical application running and you want to prevent the system from entering sleep or turning off the display while the application is running you need to call a Windows API function named SetThreadExecutionState. TSystemCritical - wrapper for SetThreadExecutionState The SystemCriticalU unit holds the wrapper for the SetThreadExecutionState API. An instance of the TSystemCritical is created when the unit is initialized and destroyed in the finalization section. Therefore, to use the the SystemCritical global object you simply set its only property, "IsCritical" to either true or false. When, during the lifecycle of you application, you need to enter into a critiacal execution section, you can set SystemCritical.IsCritical = true;. unit SystemCriticalU; interface uses Windows; type TSystemCritical = class private FIsCritical: Boolean; procedure SetIsCritical(const Value: Boolean) ; protected procedure UpdateCritical(Value: Boolean) ; virtual; public constructor Create; property IsCritical: Boolean read FIsCritical write SetIsCritical; end; var SystemCritical: TSystemCritical; implementation { TSystemCritical } //REF : type EXECUTION_STATE = DWORD; const ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED = $00000001; ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED = $00000002; ES_USER_PRESENT = $00000004; ES_AWAYMODE_REQUIRED = $00000040; ES_CONTINUOUS = $80000000; KernelDLL = 'kernel32.dll'; (* SetThreadExecutionState Function Enables an application to inform the system that it is in use, thereby preventing the system from entering sleep or turning off the display while the application is running. *) procedure SetThreadExecutionState(ESFlags: EXECUTION_STATE) ; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'SetThreadExecutionState'; constructor TSystemCritical.Create; begin inherited; FIsCritical := False; end; procedure TSystemCritical.SetIsCritical(const Value: Boolean) ; begin if FIsCritical = Value then Exit; FIsCritical := Value; UpdateCritical(FIsCritical); end; procedure TSystemCritical.UpdateCritical(Value: Boolean) ; begin if Value then //Prevent the sleep idle time-out and Power off. SetThreadExecutionState(ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED or ES_CONTINUOUS) else //Clear EXECUTION_STATE flags to disable away mode and allow the system to idle to sleep normally. SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS) ; end; initialization SystemCritical := TSystemCritical.Create; finalization SystemCritical.IsCritical := False; SystemCritical.Free; end. Here's one usage example: SystemCritical.IsCritical = true; try //do critical operation here //without going in to sleep or turning off the display finally SystemCritical.IsCritical = false; end;