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Prevent Multiple instance (Dont use it if you dont mean it...)

Title: Prevent Multiple instance (Don't use it if you don't mean it...) Question: First of all I wan't to say one thingy... I know there has been several posts regarding the multiple instance prevention problem. I guess I've read them all, but I've never found them 100% the way I like. This one is fully tested, and works the way I like it to work... Answer: { This object has been tested on Win2000. It works fine even if your application crashes or if you terminate the process! Usage: In the begining of your .dpr file, write something like this: -------- Const MyUniqueID : String = 'MyApplicationsUniqueID'; Begin IF (MultipleInstance.IsAllreadyStarted(MyUniqueID)) Then Begin IF (MultipleInstance.ShowApplication(MyUniqueID)) Then Exit; End; MultipleInstance.SetAppHandle(MyUniqueID, Application.Handle); // Let the form creation and other stuff go here... End; -------- } Unit MultipleInstancePrevention; Interface Uses Forms, Windows; Type TMultipleInstance = Class(TObject) Public Function IsAllreadyStarted(UniqueID: String) : Boolean; Function ShowApplication(UniqueID: String) : Boolean; Procedure SetAppHandle(UniqueID: String; AppHandle: THandle); End; Var MultipleInstance : TMultipleInstance; Implementation Function GetAppHandle(UniqueID: String) : THandle; Var MapHandle : THandle; MapData : Pointer; MustInit : Boolean; Begin Result := 0; MapHandle := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, NIL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, SizeOf(THandle), pChar(UniqueID)); IF (MapHandle 0) Then Begin MustInit := (GetLastError() ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); MapData := MapViewOfFile(MapHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); IF (Assigned(MapData)) Then Begin IF (MustInit) Then Begin Result := 0; Try Move(Result, MapData^, SizeOf(THandle)) Except End; End Else Begin Try Move(MapData^, Result, SizeOf(THandle)); Except Result := 0; End; End; // End; End; End; Procedure TMultipleInstance.SetAppHandle(UniqueID: String; AppHandle: THandle); Var MapHandle : THandle; MapData : Pointer; Begin MapHandle := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, NIL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, SizeOf(THandle), pChar(UniqueID)); IF (MapHandle 0) Then Begin MapData := MapViewOfFile(MapHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); IF (Assigned(MapData)) Then Begin Try Move(AppHandle, MapData^, SizeOf(THandle)); Except End; End; End; End; Function TMultipleInstance.IsAllreadyStarted(UniqueID: String) : Boolean; Var AppHandle : THandle; Begin AppHandle := GetAppHandle(UniqueID); Result := (IsWindow(AppHandle)) and (AppHandle 0); End; Function TMultipleInstance.ShowApplication(UniqueID: String) : Boolean; Var AppHandle : THandle; Begin Result := False; AppHandle := GetAppHandle(UniqueID); IF (AppHandle 0) Then Begin Result := IsWindow(AppHandle); IF (Result) Then Begin ShowWindow(AppHandle, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetForegroundWindow(AppHandle); BringWindowToTop(AppHandle); End; End; End; Initialization MultipleInstance := TMultipleInstance.Create; Finalization IF (Assigned(MultipleInstance)) Then MultipleInstance.Free; End.