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Patching ntdll.dbgUserBreakPoint

Title: Patching ntdll.dbgUserBreakPoint Question: How to replace annoying ntdll.dbgUserBreakPoint calls with NOP and ignore them at runtime. Answer: PatchINT3 is based on code from Pete Morris Add this procedure to your unit, and also the initialisation section below. At runtime, the offending INT 3 will be replaced by a NOP instruction and will be ignored. procedure PatchINT3; var NOP : Byte; BytesWritten : DWORD; NtDll : THandle; P : Pointer; begin if Win32Platform VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then Exit; NtDll := GetModuleHandle('NTDLL.DLL'); if NtDll = 0 then Exit; P := GetProcAddress(NtDll, 'DbgBreakPoint'); if P = nil then Exit; try if Char(P^) #$CC then Exit; NOP := $90; if WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, P, @NOP, 1, BytesWritten) and (BytesWritten = 1) then FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess, P, 1); except //Do not panic if you see an EAccessViolation here, // it is perfectly harmless! on EAccessViolation do ; else raise; end; end; initialization PatchINT3;