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One instance wcommand line passing Windows API

Title: One instance w/command line passing - Windows API Question: Running only one instance of your application, and having the commandline of the attempted second instance passed to the already running instance. Answer: The previous article on this was pretty good. The only problem is it uses the clipboard. A more straightforward way is using the built in windows messaging. Here is an example: Thanks Si Carter. I've updated the code; Last Update: 7 September 2001 11:30 am Central Time Sender (DPR): Uses Windows //for HWND, TCopyDataStruct ,VCLUtils //for FindPrevInstance, ActivatePrevInstance //NOTE: This unit is in RxLib (it's free and // HIGHLY recommended) //If you don't want RxLib, use FindWindow and //SetForegroundWindow (in the windows unit) instead of //FindPrevInstance and ActivatePrevInstance respectively ,Messages; //for WM_CopyData var prevInstance : HWND; cds : TCopyDataStruct; s : String; title : String = 'My main form window'; //do this so u can test //while having design //window open begin prevInstance := FindPrevInstance(TfrmMain.ClassName, title); if prevInstance 0 then begin with cds do begin s := CmdLine + #0; //updated 7 sep 2001 cbData := Length(s); lpData := @s[1]; case someCondition of 1 : dwData := rqRun; //these are defined in the frmMain unit 2 : dwData := rqShowMessage; end; end; ActivatePrevInstance(TfrmMain.ClassName, title); SendMessage(prevInstance, WM_CopyData, 0, Integer(@cds)); Exit; end; Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain); frmReportMain.Caption := title; //do this so u can test while having //design window open in Delphi Application.Run; end. Receiver (in unit of TfrmMain): const rqRun = 1; rqShowMessage = 2; etc... In TfrmMain object definition (private, public, etc...): procedure wmcopydata(var theMsg : TWMCOPYDATA); message WM_COPYDATA; procedure TfrmMain.wmcopydata(var theMsg : TWMCOPYDATA); var s : String; begin with theMsg.CopyDataStruct^ do begin s := PChar(lpData); case dwData of rqRun : begin //your code here end; rqShowMessage : begin ShowMessage('You ran with ' + s); end; end; end;