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Categories / Delphi / System

Obtain a list of loaded drivers under Windows NT

Title: obtain a list of loaded drivers under Windows NT? { This code takes advantage of the undocumented NtQuerySystemInformation API to obtain a list of loaded drivers under Windows NT. Dieser Code verwendet die undokumentiere NtQuerySystemInformation API Funktion um eine Liste aller geladenen Treiber unter Windows NT zu ermitteln. } const DRIVER_INFORMATION = 11; type TPDWord = ^DWORD; TDriverInfo = packed record Address: Pointer; Unknown1: DWORD; Unknown2: DWORD; EntryIndex: DWORD; Unknown4: DWORD; Name: array [0..MAX_PATH + 3] of Char; end; var NtQuerySystemInformation: function (infoClass: DWORD; buffer: Pointer; bufSize: DWORD; returnSize: TPDword): DWORD; stdcall = nil; function GetDriverInfo: string; var temp, Index, numBytes, numEntries: DWORD; buf: TPDword; driverInfo: ^TDriverInfo; begin if @NtQuerySystemInformation = nil then NtQuerySystemInformation := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle('ntdll.dll'), 'NtQuerySystemInformation'); // Obtain required buffer size NtQuerySystemInformation(DRIVER_INFORMATION, @temp, 0, @numBytes); // Allocate buffer buf := AllocMem(numBytes * 2); NtQuerySystemInformation(DRIVER_INFORMATION, buf, numBytes * 2, @numBytes); numEntries := buf^; driverInfo := Pointer(DWORD(buf) + 12); Result := ''; for Index := 1 to numEntries do begin Result := Result + #$D#$A + 'Address: $' + IntToHex(DWORD(driverInfo^.Address), 8) + 'Name: "' + (driverInfo^.Name) + '"'; Inc(driverInfo); end; Delete(Result, 1, 2); FreeMem(buf); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Items.Add(GetDriverInfo) end; // Thanks to Madshi for helping me translate from C++ Code // Original Code (C++) : // NtDriverList v1.0 // Copyright 1998, 1999 Yariv Kaplan // WWW.INTERNALS.COM