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Mouse wide system hook

Title: Mouse wide system hook Question: Capture mouse moves and clicks in all System. Answer: In this article, you have an example of installation of a hook type Shell at system level. You will be able to control the movement and button clicks that take place in all Windows, (not only in your application) As it is a hook at system level, this must go separated in a DLL. To know more than the operation of the hook, the DLL and the communication between the DLL and our application, take a look to the article: since it is similar to this trick, and I won't repeat the explanations here. h2Hook's DLL/h2 library HookMouse; {Demo de Hook de Ratn a nivel de sistema, Radikal.} uses Windows, Messages; const CM_MANDA_DATOS = WM_USER + $1000; type TCompartido = record Receptor, wHitTestCode, x,y, Ventana : hwnd; end; PCompartido =^TCompartido; var HookDeMouse : HHook; FicheroM : THandle; Compartido : PCompartido; function CallBackDelHook( Code : Integer; wParam : WPARAM; lParam : LPARAM ) : LRESULT; stdcall; var DatosMouse : PMouseHookStruct; Intentos : integer; {Esta es la funcion CallBack a la cual llamar el hook.} {This is the CallBack function called by he Hook} begin {Si hay un nuevo evento de raton...} {if there is a new mouse event...} if code=HC_ACTION then begin {Miramos si existe el fichero} {if the mapfile exists} FicheroM:=OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_WRITE,False,'ElReceptor'); {Si no existe, no enviamos nada a la aplicacion receptora} {If dont, send nothing to receiver application} if FicheroM0 then begin Compartido:=MapViewOfFile(FicheroM,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0); {Apuntamos hacia los datos del evento del raton} DatosMouse:=Pointer(lparam); {Los guardamos en el fichero de memoria} Compartido^.Ventana:=DatosMouse^.hwnd; Compartido^.x:=DatosMouse^.pt.x; Compartido^.y:=DatosMouse^.pt.y; {Avisamos al receptor para que atienda el nuevo evento} {Say to receiver that there is a new event} PostMessage(Compartido^.Receptor,CM_MANDA_DATOS,wParam,lParam); UnmapViewOfFile(Compartido); CloseHandle(FicheroM); end; end; {Llamamos al siguiente hook de la cadena} {call to next hook of the chain} Result := CallNextHookEx(HookDeMouse, Code, wParam, lParam) end; procedure HookOn; stdcall; {Procedure que instala el hook} {procedure for install the hook} begin HookDeMouse:=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, @CallBackDelHook, HInstance , 0); end; // stops this type of watch procedure HookOff; stdcall; begin {procedure para desinstalar el hook} {procedure to uninstall the hook} UnhookWindowsHookEx(HookDeMouse); end; exports {Exportamos las procedures...} {Export the procedures} HookOn, HookOff; begin end. h2 Demo application /h2 ul liPut a TMemo (Memo1) in your form/li liPut two TLabels (Label1 and Label2)/li liPut this code in the form's unit/li /ul unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; const NombreDLL = 'HookMouse.dll'; CM_MANDA_DATOS = WM_USER + $1000; type TCompartido = record Receptor, wHitTestCode, x,y, Ventana : hwnd; end; PCompartido =^TCompartido; THookMouse=procedure; stdcall; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FicheroM : THandle; Compartido : PCompartido; HandleDLL : THandle; HookOn, HookOff : THookMouse; procedure LlegaDelHook(var message: TMessage); message CM_MANDA_DATOS; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin HandleDLL:=LoadLibrary( PChar(ExtractFilePath(Application.Exename)+ NombreDLL ) ); if HandleDLL = 0 then raise Exception.Create('No se pudo cargar la DLL'); @HookOn :=GetProcAddress(HandleDLL, 'HookOn'); @HookOff:=GetProcAddress(HandleDLL, 'HookOff'); if not assigned(HookOn) or not assigned(HookOff) then raise Exception.Create('No se encontraron las funciones en la DLL'+#13+ 'Cannot find the required DLL functions'); {Creamos el fichero de memoria} FicheroM:=CreateFileMapping( $FFFFFFFF, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, SizeOf(Compartido), 'ElReceptor'); {Si no se cre el fichero, error} if FicheroM=0 then raise Exception.Create( 'Error al crear el fichero'+ '/Error while create file'); {Direccionamos nuestra estructura al fichero de memoria} Compartido:=MapViewOfFile(FicheroM,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0); {Escribimos datos en el fichero de memoria} Compartido^.Receptor:=Handle; HookOn; end; procedure TForm1.LlegaDelHook(var message: TMessage); var DatosMouse : PMouseHookStruct; NombreVentana : array [0..200] of char; Accion : string; begin with Compartido^ do begin {Coordenadas del raton} {Mouse coordinates} Label1.caption:='['+IntToStr(x)+':'+IntToStr(y)+']'; end; {Nombre de la ventana donde esta el raton} {Window Name} GetWindowText(Compartido^.Ventana,@NombreVentana,200); Label2.Caption:=NombreVentana; case Message.wParam of WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : Accion:='WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK '; WM_LBUTTONDOWN : Accion:='WM_LBUTTONDOWN '; WM_LBUTTONUP : Accion:='WM_LBUTTONUP '; WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK : Accion:='WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK '; WM_MBUTTONDOWN : Accion:='WM_MBUTTONDOWN '; WM_MBUTTONUP : Accion:='WM_MBUTTONUP '; WM_MOUSEMOVE : Accion:='WM_MOUSEMOVE '; WM_NCHITTEST : Accion:='WM_NCHITTEST '; WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK : Accion:='WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK'; WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN : Accion:='WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN '; WM_NCLBUTTONUP : Accion:='WM_NCLBUTTONUP '; WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK : Accion:='WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK'; WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN : Accion:='WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN '; WM_NCMBUTTONUP : Accion:='WM_NCMBUTTONUP '; WM_NCMOUSEMOVE : Accion:='WM_NCMOUSEMOVE '; WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK : Accion:='WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK'; WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN : Accion:='WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN '; WM_NCRBUTTONUP : Accion:='WM_NCRBUTTONUP '; WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK : Accion:='WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK '; WM_RBUTTONDOWN : Accion:='WM_RBUTTONDOWN '; WM_RBUTTONUP : Accion:='WM_RBUTTONUP '; end; Memo1.Lines.Append(Accion); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin {Desactivamos el Hook} {Uninstall the Hook} if Assigned(HookOff) then HookOff; {Liberamos la DLL} {Free the DLL} if HandleDLL0 then FreeLibrary(HandleDLL); {Cerramos la vista del fichero y el fichero} {Close the memfile and the View} if FicheroM0 then begin UnmapViewOfFile(Compartido); CloseHandle(FicheroM); end; end; end. Make and compile the DLL, and then make and compile the application demo. Try to put everything in the same directory, so that the application demo finds the DLL. If everything goes well, Label1 will show the coordinates of the mouse in real time, and in the Memo1 they will go the types of messages that the hook goes capturing appearing. IMPORTANT: Dont forget to set the event handlers (if you copy & paste the source code)