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Mirc dll basics

Title: mirc dll basics Question: how can you use delphi to create a dll that can be used with mirc and how do you setup mirc to use these? Answer: For an example I'm just going to show you how to create the dll and make it report the dll version to mirc. First off you create a dll as per normal then you can start by adding a function. The function is setup as below because of the method required for mirc. function versionreply( mWnd: hWnd; aWnd: hWnd; Data: PChar; Parms: PChar; Show: Boolean; NoPause: Boolean ): Integer; export; stdcall; var blah,blah2:pansichar; begin blah2 := pchar(GetProgramVersion('zirc.dll')); // above line well get the version of zirc.dll which is What I decided to // call the current dll. blah := pchar('7[14 Zirc.DLL version ' + blah2 + ' 7][14 by Zoomer 7]'); // above line is basic layouf and design of teh output. strcopy(data, blah ); Result := 3; // when result = 3 it will send back the content of data. end; Then in teh exports you put the function you have created and then compile. eg. exports versionreply; You should now have a dll that you can place in the mirc directory, once you have done this open up mirc and click the green icon with /a writen on it or goto the action screen. in this section you are going to need to make an action to access the dll it will looke like this; mydllversion { say $dll(zirc.dll,versionreply,_) } Then on one of the irc channels when connected if you type /mydllversion Now you should have on the screen what you want. (ie. the version reply message) you can also send vars to to the dll using the $dll (in mirc) but changing the _ for what you want to send, in the function you then use Parms as the value of the sent var.