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Masaüstündeki ikonlarin gizlenmesi

Asagidaki program calistirildiginda, görev cubugu üzerindeki uyari bölümünde bir ikon olarak görünür. Bu ikon üzerinde tiklandiginda desktop üzerindeki ikonlar saklanir, bir kez daha basildiginda ise geri gelir. program DeskPop; uses Windows, Messages, ShellAPI, sysutils; {$R *.RES} const AppName = 'DeskTop Sakla'; var x: integer; tid: TNotifyIconData; WndClass: array[0..50] of char; procedure Panic (szMessage: PChar); begin if szMessage <> Nil then MessageBox (0, szMessage, AppName, mb_ok); Halt (0); end; procedure HandleCommand (Wnd: hWnd; Cmd: Word); begin case Cmd of Ord ('A'): MessageBox (0, 'Merhaba', AppName, mb_ok); Ord ('E'): PostMessage (Wnd, wm_Close, 0, 0); end; end; function DummyWindowProc (Wnd: hWnd; Msg, wParam: Word; lParam: LongInt): LongInt; stdcall; var TrayHandle: THandle; dc: hDC; i: Integer; pm: HMenu; pt: TPoint; begin DummyWindowProc := 0; StrPCopy(@WndClass[0], 'Progman'); TrayHandle := FindWindow(@WndClass[0], nil); case Msg of wm_Create: begin tid.cbSize := sizeof (tid); tid.Wnd := Wnd; tid.uID := 1; tid.uFlags := nif_Message or nif_Icon or nif_Tip; tid.uCallBackMessage := wm_User; tid.hIcon := LoadIcon (hInstance, 'MAINICON'); lstrcpy (tid.szTip,'Desktop is on'); Shell_NotifyIcon (nim_Add, @tid); end; wm_Destroy: begin Shell_NotifyIcon (nim_Delete, @tid); PostQuitMessage (0); ShowWindow(TrayHandle, SW_RESTORE); end; wm_Command: begin HandleCommand (Wnd, LoWord (wParam)); Exit; end; wm_User: // Had a tray notification - see what to do if (lParam = wm_LButtonDown) then begin if x = 0 then begin ShowWindow(TrayHandle, SW_HIDE); //tid.hIcon := LoadIcon (hInstance, 'offICON'); lstrcpy (tid.szTip,'Desktop Kapali'); Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, @tid); x:=1 end else begin ShowWindow(TrayHandle, SW_RESTORE); //tid.hIcon := LoadIcon (hInstance, 'ONICON'); lstrcpy (tid.szTip,'Desktop Acik'); Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, @tid); x:= 0; end; end else if (lParam = wm_RButtonDown) then begin GetCursorPos (pt); pm := CreatePopupMenu; AppendMenu (pm, 0, Ord ('A'), 'Hakkinda...'); AppendMenu (pm, mf_Separator, 0, Nil); AppendMenu (pm, 0, Ord ('E'), 'Kapat'); SetForegroundWindow (Wnd); dc := GetDC (0); if TrackPopupMenu (pm, tpm_BottomAlign or tpm_RightAlign, pt.x,GetDeviceCaps(dc,HORZRES){pt.y}, 0, Wnd, Nil) then SetForegroundWindow (Wnd); DestroyMenu (pm) end; end; DummyWindowProc := DefWindowProc (Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; procedure WinMain; var Wnd: hWnd; Msg: TMsg; cls: TWndClass; begin { Previous instance running ? If so, exit } if FindWindow (AppName, Nil) <> 0 then exit; //Panic (AppName + ' is already running.'); { window Sinifini kaydettir } FillChar (cls, sizeof (cls), 0); cls.lpfnWndProc := @DummyWindowProc; cls.hInstance := hInstance; cls.lpszClassName := AppName; RegisterClass (cls); { Bos pencereyi yarat } Wnd := CreateWindow (AppName, AppName, ws_OverlappedWindow, cw_UseDefault, cw_UseDefault, cw_UseDefault, cw_UseDefault, 0, 0, hInstance, Nil); x:= 0; if Wnd <> 0 then begin ShowWindow (Wnd, sw_Hide); while GetMessage (Msg, 0, 0, 0) do begin TranslateMessage (Msg); DispatchMessage (Msg); end; end; end; begin WinMain; end.