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//Delphi FAQs and TIs {The Windows 95 Desktop is overlayed with a ListView component. You simply need to get a handle to the ListView. Example: } function GetDesktopListViewHandle: THandle; var S: String; begin Result := FindWindow('ProgMan', nil); Result := GetWindow(Result, GW_CHILD); Result := GetWindow(Result, GW_CHILD); SetLength(S, 40); GetClassName(Result, PChar(S), 39); if PChar(S) <> 'SysListView32' then Result := 0; end; {Once you have the handle, you can use the list view-related API functions in the CommCtrl unit to manipulate the desktop. See the LVM_xxxx messages in the Win32 online help.} //For example the following line of code: SendMessage(GetDesktopListViewHandle,LVM_ALIGN,LVA_ALIGNLEFT,0); //will align the desktop icons to the left side of the Windows 95 desktop.