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How to use forms declared in DLL by an executable

Title: How to use forms declared in DLL by an executable program Dlloader; uses Sharemem, Forms, exeunit1 in 'exeunit1.pas' {Form1}, DllIntfu in 'DllIntfu.pas'; {$R *.RES} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; end. //-------------------------- unit DllIntfu; interface type TDllobject = class protected function Get_UserName: string; virtual; abstract; procedure Set_UserName(Value: string); virtual; abstract; public property UserName: string read Get_UserName write Set_UserName; end; TDllobjectClass = class of TDllobject; implementation end. //--------------------------- unit exeunit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DllIntfu, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} type TDllfunc = function: TDllobjectClass; stdcall; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: DWORD; fHandle: THandle; fDllfunc: TDllfunc; fDllobject: TDllobject; fUserName: string; begin fHandle := LoadLibrary('UserName.dll'); if (fHandle 0) then begin @fDllfunc := GetProcAddress(fHandle, 'Dllfunc'); if Assigned(@fDllfunc) then begin i := 255; SetLength(fUserName, i); GetUserName(PChar(fUserName), i); fUserName := StrPas(PChar(fUserName)); fDllobject := fDllfunc.Create; fDllobject.UserName := fUserName; ShowMessage(fDllobject.UserName); fDllobject.Free; end; FreeLibrary(fHandle); end; end; end. //------------------------------- library UserName; uses Sharemem, Sysutils, DllIntfu; type TCustomDllobject = class(TDllobject) private fUserName: string; function Getfilecount: Integer; protected function Get_UserName: string; override; procedure Set_UserName(Value: string); override; end; TCustomDllobjectclass = class of TCustomDllobject; function TCustomDllobject.Getfilecount: Integer; var doserr: Integer; fsrch: TSearchRec; begin Result := 0; doserr := FindFirst('*.*', faanyfile, fsrch); if (doserr = 0) then begin while (doserr = 0) do begin if (fsrch.attr and faDirectory) = 0 then Inc(Result); doserr := findnext(fsrch); end; FindClose(fsrch); end; end; function TCustomDllobject.Get_UserName: string; begin Result := 'You signed on as ''' + fUserName + '''' + ' and there ' + IntToStr(Getfilecount) + ' files in this directory.'; end; procedure TCustomDllobject.Set_UserName(Value: string); begin fUserName := Value; end; function Dllfunc: TCustomDllobjectClass; stdcall; begin Result := TCustomDllobject; // class type only end; exports Dllfunc name 'Dllfunc'; begin end.