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How to make rounded windows

Title: How to make rounded windows function CreateEllipticRgn( nLeftRect: Integer, // x-coordinate of the upper-left corner nTopRect: Integer, // y-coordinate of the upper-left corner nRightRect: Integer, // x-coordinate of the lower-right nBottomRect: Integer // y-coordinate of the lower-right corner ): HRGN; // The SetWindowRgn function sets the window region of a window. function SetWindowRgn( hWnd: HWND, // handle to window whose window region is to be set hRgn: HRGN, // handle to region bRedraw: Boolean // window redraw flag ); // Example: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var hRegion: HRGN; begin BorderStyle := bsNone; hRegion := CreateEllipticRgn(1, 1, 200, 200); SetWindowRgn(Handle, hRegion, True); end;