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How to list all running processes

Title: How to list all running processes Question: This is a small program that lists all running processes along with some basic info for each and the ability to terminate any of them. It uses a few Windows API calls. Executable is compressed with UPX .94. Use at your own risk ... Answer: The main functions to get the list of processes is -Process32First and -Process32Next It retrieves information about the first and next process encountered in a system snapshot. CreateToolHelp32SnapShot must be called before. It takes a snapshot of the processes and the heaps, modules, and threads used by the processes. Finally the code looks somehow like this: var Proc : TProcessEntry32; Snap : THandle; ... Snap := CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0); Proc.dwSize := SizeOf(TProcessEntry32); Process32First(Snap,Proc); repeat // add into list... until (not Process32Next(Snap,Proc)); TerminateProces is used to kill a task. Download program plus source GETPROCS.ZIP (c) by Ardian Dhrimaj