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How to kill a task

Title: How to kill a task uses Tlhelp32; function KillTask(ExeFileName: string): Integer; const PROCESS_TERMINATE = $0001; var ContinueLoop: BOOL; FSnapshotHandle: THandle; FProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32; begin Result := 0; FSnapshotHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); FProcessEntry32.dwSize := SizeOf(FProcessEntry32); ContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); while Integer(ContinueLoop) 0 do begin if ((UpperCase(ExtractFileName(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile)) = UpperCase(ExeFileName)) or (UpperCase(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile) = UpperCase(ExeFileName))) then Result := Integer(TerminateProcess( OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, BOOL(0), FProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID), 0)); ContinueLoop := Process32Next(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); end; CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin KillTask('notepad.exe'); end; For Windows NT/2000/XP procedure KillProcess(hWindowHandle: HWND); var hprocessID: INTEGER; processHandle: THandle; DWResult: DWORD; begin SendMessageTimeout(hWindowHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG or SMTO_NORMAL, 5000, DWResult); if isWindow(hWindowHandle) then begin // PostMessage(hWindowHandle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); { Get the process identifier for the window} GetWindowThreadProcessID(hWindowHandle, @hprocessID); if hprocessID 0 then begin { Get the process handle } processHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE or PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, hprocessID); if processHandle 0 then begin { Terminate the process } TerminateProcess(processHandle, 0); CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin KillProcess(FindWindow('notepad',nil)); end;