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How to hide the Clock from the TaskBar

Title: How to hide the Clock from the TaskBar Question: Problem : I wnat to hide the clock from the TaskbarNotificationArea Answer: To hide the clock from the notification-area, try this code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var hn : HWnd;begin hn := FindWindowEx(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',nil),0,'TrayNotifyWnd',nil),0,'TrayClockWClass',nil);//die Uhr if hn 0 then ShowWindow(hn,SW_HIDE);//Bye,bye,Baby end; To show it again, it's similar : procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var hn : HWnd; begin hn := FindWindowEx(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',nil),0,'TrayNotifyWnd',nil),0,'TrayClockWClass',nil); if hn 0 then ShowWindow(hn,SW_SHOW);//Hello, again end;