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How to get a list of the registered Win32 Modules and their version(s)

Title: How to get a list of the registered Win32 Modules and their version(s) function RecurseWin32(const R: TRegistry; const ThePath: string; const TheKey: string): string; var TheList: TStringList; i: Integer; LP: string; OnceUponATime: string; begin Result := '-'; TheList := TStringList.Create; try R.OpenKey(ThePath, False); R.GetKeyNames(TheList); R.CloseKey; if TheList.Count = 0 then Exit; for i := 0 to TheList.Count - 1 do with TheList do begin LP := ThePath + '\' + TheList[i]; if CompareText(Strings[i], TheKey) = 0 then begin Result := LP; Break; end; OnceUponATime := RecurseWin32(R, LP, TheKey); if OnceUponATime '-' then begin Result := OnceUponATime; Break; end; end; finally TheList.Clear; TheList.Free; end; end; { Create the output list: you may change the format as you need ...} function GetWin32TypeLibList(var Lines: TStringList): Boolean; var R: TRegistry; W32: string; i, j, TheIntValue, TheSizeOfTheIntValue: Integer; TheSearchedValue, TheSearchedValueString: string; TheVersionList, TheKeyList: TStringList; TheBasisKey: string; begin Result := True; try try R := TRegistry.Create; TheVersionList := TStringList.Create; TheKeyList := TStringList.Create; R.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; R.OpenKey('TypeLib', False); TheBasisKey := R.CurrentPath; (* Basis Informations *) case R.GetDataType('') of rdUnknown: ShowMessage('Nothing ???'); rdExpandString, rdString: TheSearchedValueString := R.ReadString(''); rdInteger: TheIntValue := R.ReadInteger(''); rdBinary: TheSizeOfTheIntValue := R.GetDataSize(''); end; (* Build the List of Keys *) R.GetKeyNames(TheKeyList); R.CloseKey; ShowMessage(TheKeyList.Strings[1]); for i := 0 to TheKeyList.Count - 1 do (* Loop around the typelib entries) (* Schleife um die TypeLib Eintr?ge *) with TheKeyList do if Length(Strings[i]) 0 then begin R.OpenKey(TheBasisKey + '\' + Strings[i], False); TheVersionList.Clear; R.GetKeyNames(TheVersionList); R.CloseKey; (* Find "Win32" for each version *) (* Finde der "win32" f¨¹r jede VersionVersion:*) for j := 0 to TheVersionList.Count - 1 do if Length(TheVersionList.Strings[j]) 0 then begin W32 := RecurseWin32(R, TheBasisKey + '\' + Strings[i] + '\' + TheVersionList.Strings[j], 'Win32'); if W32 '-' then begin Lines.Add(W32); R.OpenKey(W32, False); case R.GetDataType('') of rdExpandString, rdString: TheSearchedValue := R.ReadString(''); else TheSearchedValue := 'Nothing !!!'; end; R.CloseKey; Lines.Add('----- ' + TheSearchedValue); end; end; end; finally TheVersionList.Free; TheKeyList.Free; end; except Result := False; end; end; { Example of use / Anwendungsbeispiel } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var L: TStringList; begin L := TStringList.Create; GetWin32TypeLibList(L); Memo1.Lines.Assign(L); L.Free; end;