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How to code a linear system soluion

Title: How to code a linear system soluion Question: How to code a linear system soluion (AX=B) use dynamic array Answer: AX=B where A is a symetric matrix sizes n x n B is a load case matrix sizes n x m X is a solution of AX=B Step1:use procedure REDUCE to reduce any symetric matrix to an upper triangular matrix. Step2:use LOWTRI to produce a lower matrix from step1*no need to recalculate from prereduce matrix* Step3:use FORSUB to forward substitution Step4:use BAKSUB to backsubstition Fianlly u get the answers procedure TForm2.REDUCE(var Mat:Matrix;nJR:integer); var i,j,k : integer; C : double; nHigh : integer; begin nHigh:=high(Mat); for i:=0 to nJR-1 do for j:=i to nHigh-1 do begin C:=-(Mat[j+1,i]/Mat[i,i]); for k:=i to nHigh do Mat[j+1,k]:=Mat[j+1,k]+C*Mat[i,k]; end; end; procedure TForm2.LOWTRI(var Mat:Matrix); var i,j : integer; nHigh,nLow : integer; begin nHigh:=high(Mat); nLow:=Low(Mat); for j:=nLow to nHigh do for i:=j+1 to nHigh do Mat[i,j]:=Mat[j,i]/Mat[j,j]; end; Function TForm2.FORSUB(L:Matrix;B:Matrix):Matrix; var i,j,k:integer; Y:Matrix; nHigh : integer; C:double; begin setlength(Y,high(B)+1,m); nHigh:=high(L); For i:=Low(Y) to m-1 do begin Y[0,i]:=B[0,i]; for k:=1 to nHigh do begin C:=0; For j:=0 to k-1 do C:=L[k,j]*Y[j,i]+C; Y[k,i]:=B[K,i]-C; end; end; Result:=Y; end; Function TForm2.BAKSUB(U:Matrix;Y:Matrix):Matrix; var i,j,k:integer; X:Matrix; nHigh : integer; C:double; begin setlength(X,high(Y)+1,m); nHigh:=high(U); For i:=low(X) to m-1 do begin X[nHigh,i]:=Y[nHigh,i]/U[nHigh,nHigh]; For k:=nHigh-1 downto 0 do begin C:=0; For j:=k+1 to nHigh do C:=U[k,j]*X[j,i]+C; X[k,i]:=(Y[k,i]-C)/U[k,k]; end; end; Result:=X; end;