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How to check if a service is running

Title: How to check if a service is running uses WinSvc; function ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService: PChar): DWORD; {******************************************} {*** Parameters: ***} {*** sService: specifies the name of the service to open {*** sMachine: specifies the name of the target computer {*** ***} {*** Return Values: ***} {*** -1 = Error opening service ***} {*** 1 = SERVICE_STOPPED ***} {*** 2 = SERVICE_START_PENDING ***} {*** 3 = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ***} {*** 4 = SERVICE_RUNNING ***} {*** 5 = SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING ***} {*** 6 = SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING ***} {*** 7 = SERVICE_PAUSED ***} {******************************************} var SCManHandle, SvcHandle: SC_Handle; SS: TServiceStatus; dwStat: DWORD; begin dwStat := 0; // Open service manager handle. SCManHandle := OpenSCManager(sMachine, nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (SCManHandle 0) then begin SvcHandle := OpenService(SCManHandle, sService, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); // if Service installed if (SvcHandle 0) then begin // SS structure holds the service status (TServiceStatus); if (QueryServiceStatus(SvcHandle, SS)) then dwStat := ss.dwCurrentState; CloseServiceHandle(SvcHandle); end; CloseServiceHandle(SCManHandle); end; Result := dwStat; end; function ServiceRunning(sMachine, sService: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := SERVICE_RUNNING = ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService); end; // Check if Eventlog Service is running procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ServiceRunning(nil, 'Eventlog') then ShowMessage('Eventlog Service Running') else ShowMessage('Eventlog Service not Running') end; Windows 2000 and earlier: All processes are granted the SC_MANAGER_CONNECT, SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE, and SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS access rights. Windows XP: Only authenticated users are granted the SC_MANAGER_CONNECT, SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE, and SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS access rights. Do not use the service display name (as displayed in the services control panel applet.) You must use the real service name, as referenced in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services