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How to call a DLL dynamically

Title: How to call a DLL dynamically Question: With the function LoadLibrary you can also choose a dll at runtime - but also other things have to be done. Answer: If you want to choose a DLL at runtime you have to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. Before you have to define the type of procedure you want to call. Let's say the DLL looks like this: library MathFunc; function MyCalc(x,y: integer): integer; export; begin result:= x+y; end; exports MyCalc; begin end. In the main program you have to define the type of procedure: type TMyFunc = function(x,y: integer): integer; Calling the function works like this: var MyFunc: TMyFunc; FuncPtr: TFarProc; DLLHandle: THandle; begin DLLHandle:= LoadLibrary(PChar(Edit1.Text)); FuncPtr:= GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'MyCalc'); if FuncPtr NIL then begin @MyFunc:= FuncPtr; Edit2.Text:= IntToStr(MyFunc(2,3)); FuncPtr:= NIL; end; FreeLibrary(DLLHandle); end; Well, the effort is much higher then when working with static DLL binding.