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How do I take a screenshot and break it into smaller pieces

Title: How do I take a screenshot and break it into smaller pieces? This is rather a component which I've built as a piece of a much larger remote desktop application. This component - TJDRMDesktop - has a simple task: Provide smaller "blocks" of a screenshot of the entire desktop. This is just the unit, you can attach this to any package and install it. It contains all the necessary functionality to take a screenshot, break it down into smaller pieces, and piece it back together painlessly. The point is to save the amount of bandwidth by only streaming the smaller pieces of the screen which have changed since the last time it was sent. I've also provided comments in the code to understand what's going on. Now let me explain how it works. TJDRMDesktop has a few properties: - PixelFormat - what format the bitmap should be - VerticalCount: How many rows of sections to split screen into - HorizontalCount: How many columns of sections to split screen into (Vertical and Horizontal count properties best recommended around 10 each, so screen is cut into 100 blocks) (Larger numbers will slow it down, smaller numbers will defeat the purpose) - Active - whether component should be taking screenshots or not (False means nothing happens) - Bitmap - provides the latest screenshot - LastBitmap - provides the last bitmap prior to the current Bitmap - OnNewBlock - Event triggered when a new section or 'block' of the screen is available (not triggered when a block has not changed since the last time it was sent) Now the component has a timer which is only processed when active property is set to True. When the timer triggers, it loops through both the Vertical and Horizontal section count of the screen's 'blocks'. It then compares each of those blocks to the corresponding block of the previous screenshot. If that block is any different than the last one, it then triggers the new block event (and replaces the 'last' bitmap's block with the new one). What does this do? It ensures that you're only getting sections of the screen which have changed, and not getting sections which have remained untouched. When working with remote desktop applications, this is very important to clean up the bandwidth used. Windows remote desktop works similar to this, only sending little chunks of the screen at a time. You can create another TJDRMImageSplitter object somewhere on the other end to replace that section with the new one. Use TJDRMImageSplitter.SetBlock(Value: TJDRMImageBlock) to replace that corresponding section with the new one. TJDRMImageBlock is inherited from a TBitmap (so is the TJDRMImageSplitter) but contains also the top and left positions of the screen which it needs to be placed on the other end. Now this is still a rather unfinished version of what I will wind up with, but it is fully functional. I plan on adding more settings such as delays and jpeg compression, but that will come in when I go to plug this component into the rest of my RDP system. I know this component may be a little sluggish, but that's where I'm hoping someone can pick this up and fix it eventually. Please let me know if and when you want an updated version. I plan to have a better more complete version within a few weeks. I'm also working on converting (and compressing) a bitmap to a jpeg (simple, but at the same time tricky) and then to a ready-to-send memory stream. I'm also working on other components for the other end of the spectrum which receive the stream and put the pieces back together. However, it will probably be a couple more months before I have a working version of the actual final system :( I'm building this thing from the ground up, considering every possible detail and making it flexible and expandable from the beginning. In the end, I will have a 3 sided system (Server, Client, and Dashboard) for a full desktop surveillance system. I'm still pondering the idea of giving the entire source up for grabs... but here's at least the starting point of my project. (by the way, I've already had complete working RDP systems, it's just a matter of restarting from scratch in a much more flexible fashion for a more powerful final product. My current project already has around 30,000 lines of code and an complex SQL database, it's nothing little) Enjoy...................................... (Updated 11/15/10 7:20 PM) (Will be providing more detailed documentation soon) CODE unit JDRMGraphics; //Built in Delphi 7 interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, JPeg, StrUtils, ExtCtrls, Forms, Controls; type TJDRMImageBlock = class; TJDRMImageSplitter = class; TJDRMCustomDesktop = class; TJDRMDesktop = class; TJDRMCustomDesktopView = class; TJDRMDesktopView = class; //TJDRMImageBlock //Represents a smaller portion of the larger screenshot TJDRMImageBlock = class(TComponent) private fBitmap: TBitmap; //Main instance of a bitmap (default) fLeft: Integer; //Left (X) position of section on larger screenshot fTop: Integer; //Top (Y) position of section on larger screenshot fCompression: Integer; fScreenWidth: Integer; fScreenHeight: Integer; procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); procedure SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); function GetWidth: Integer; function GetHeight: Integer; function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; function GetJpeg: TJPEGImage; function GetStream: TMemoryStream; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property AsBitmap: TBitmap read fBitmap; property AsJpeg: TJPEGImage read GetJpeg; property AsStream: TMemoryStream read GetStream; published property Left: Integer read fLeft write fLeft; property Top: Integer read fTop write fTop; property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; property ScreenWidth: Integer read fScreenWidth write fScreenWidth; property ScreenHeight: Integer read fScreenHeight write fScreenHeight; property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat write SetPixelFormat; property Compression: Integer read fCompression write fCompression; end; //TJDRMImageSplitter //Represents the an entire screenshot image, and gives functionality //to split screenshot into smaller pieces TJDRMImageSplitter = class(TComponent) private fBitmap: TBitmap; //Main instance of image fHCount: Integer; //Number of blocks horizontally fVCount: Integer; //Number of blocks vertically fBitWidth: Integer; //Width of a block - used for performance fBitHeight: Integer; //Height of a block - used for performance fCompression: Integer;//Compression of JPEG image procedure SetVCount(Value: Integer); procedure SetHCount(Value: Integer); procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); procedure SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); function GetWidth: Integer; function GetHeight: Integer; function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetBlock(X, Y: Integer): TJDRMImageBlock; //Returns a specified block procedure SetBlock(Value: TJDRMImageBlock); //Assigns a specified block property Bitmap: TBitmap read fBitmap; published property VertCount: Integer read fVCount write SetVCount; property HorzCount: Integer read fHCount write SetHCount; property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat write SetPixelFormat; property Compression: Integer read fCompression write fCompression; end; //TJDRMCustomDesktop //Component which contains all necessary functionality for taking a // screenshot and triggering events when new sections of the screen are available //Triggered when a new section of screen is available TJDRMImageBlockEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Block: TJDRMImageBlock) of object; TJDRMCustomDesktop = class(TComponent) private fActive: Boolean; //Whether component is active or not fTimer: TTimer; //Loops through sections of screenshot fBitmap: TJDRMImageSplitter; //Represents current screenshot image fLastBitmap: TJDRMImageSplitter; //Represents previous screenshot image fBusy: Boolean; //Whether component is busy or not fDrawCursor: Boolean; //Whether or not to draw cursor on bitmap fCompression: Integer; //JPEG Compression Value (1 - 100) fNewBlockEvent: TJDRMImageBlockEvent; //Event - triggered when new block is available procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean); //Sets component active or inactive procedure SetVerticalCount(Value: Integer); //Sets vertical count procedure SetHorizontalCount(Value: Integer); //Sets horizontal count procedure SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); //Sets BMP pixel format procedure SetCompression(Value: Integer); //Sets JPEG Compression procedure SetDelay(Value: Integer); function GetVerticalCount: Integer; //Returns vertical count function GetHorizontalCount: Integer; //Returns horizontal count function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; //Returns pixel format function GetDelay: Integer; procedure GetScreenshot; //Acquires new screenshot procedure NewBlock(Block: TJDRMImageBlock); //Triggers fNewBlockEvent procedure TimerOnTimer(Sender: TObject); //Assigned to Timer.OnTimer public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Compression: Integer read fCompression write SetCompression; property Active: Boolean read fActive write SetActive; property VerticalCount: Integer read GetVerticalCount write SetVerticalCount; property HorizontalCount: Integer read GetHorizontalCount write SetHorizontalCount; property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat write SetPixelFormat; property DrawCursor: Boolean read fDrawCursor write fDrawCursor; property Delay: Integer read GetDelay write SetDelay; property OnNewBlock: TJDRMImageBlockEvent read fNewBlockEvent write fNewBlockEvent; end; //Final component representing entire screenshot process TJDRMDesktop = class(TJDRMCustomDesktop) published property Compression; property Active; property VerticalCount; property HorizontalCount; property PixelFormat; property DrawCursor; property OnNewBlock; end; //TJDRMCustomDesktopView //Visual component based on TScrollBox //Contains all necessary functionality to display desktop from //image blocks (from TJDRMDesktop) as well as recognizing mouse //and keyboard events for remote control TJDRMCustomDesktopView = class(TScrollingWinControl) private fBorderStyle: TBorderStyle; fSplitter: TJDRMImageSplitter; fImage: TImage; fTimer: TTimer; procedure SetImageWidth(Value: Integer); procedure SetImageHeight(Value: Integer); procedure SetRefreshRate(Value: Integer); function GetImageWidth: Integer; function GetImageHeight: Integer; function GetRefreshRate: Integer; procedure TimerOnTimer(Sender: TObject); //Assigned to fTimer.OnTimer //From original TScrollBox component procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle); procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TMessage); message WM_NCHITTEST; procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED; protected //From original TScrollBox component procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DrawBlock(Block: TJDRMImageBlock); procedure UpdateImage; property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle; property ImageWidth: Integer read GetImageWidth write SetImageWidth; property ImageHeight: Integer read GetImageHeight write SetImageHeight; property RefreshRate: Integer read GetRefreshRate write SetRefreshRate; end; TJDRMDesktopView = class(TJDRMCustomDesktopView) published property RefreshRate; //From original TScrollBox component property Align; property Anchors; property AutoScroll; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelOuter; property BevelKind; property BevelWidth; property BorderStyle; property Constraints; property Enabled; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property Visible; end; //Misc function BitmapsAreSame(Bitmap1, Bitmap2: TJDRMImageBlock): Boolean; function GetPixelSize(Format: TPixelFormat): Integer; function ScreenShot(DrawCursor: Boolean; Quality: TPixelFormat): TBitmap; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('JD Remote Desktop', [TJDRMDesktop, TJDRMDesktopView]); end; //Return proper byte size for bitmap comparison input function GetPixelSize(Format: TPixelFormat): Integer; begin case Format of pf8bit: Result:= 1; pf16bit: Result:= 2; pf24bit: Result:= 3; pf32bit: Result:= 4; else Result:= 0; end; end; //Compares two bitmaps together to see if they're the same or not function BitmapsAreSame(Bitmap1, Bitmap2: TJDRMImageBlock): Boolean; var Ptr1, Ptr2: pointer; X: integer; PixelSize: byte; begin //By default, assume images are different Result:= False; //First check if width, height, or pixel format are the same if (Bitmap1.Width = Bitmap2.Width) and (Bitmap1.Height = Bitmap2.Height) and (Bitmap1.PixelFormat = Bitmap2.PixelFormat) then begin //Obtain byte size of pixels based on pixel format PixelSize:= GetPixelSize(Bitmap1.PixelFormat); //Loop through height of bitmap and go row by row for X:= 0 to (Bitmap1.Height-1) do begin //Obtain rows of pixels from each bitmap Ptr1:= Bitmap1.AsBitmap.ScanLine[X]; Ptr2:= Bitmap2.AsBitmap.ScanLine[X]; //Compare bitmap rows together Result:= CompareMem(Ptr1, Ptr2, Bitmap1.Width * PixelSize); //If rows are different, then exit loop if Result = False then Break; end; end; end; function ScreenShot(DrawCursor: Boolean; Quality: TPixelFormat): TBitmap; var DC: HDC; R: TRect; CursorInfo: TCursorInfo; Icon: TIcon; IconInfo: TIconInfo; begin //Create bitmap result Result:= TBitmap.Create; //Get desktop handle DC:= GetDC(GetDesktopWindow); try //Set result to new screenshot image Result.Width:= GetDeviceCaps (DC, HORZRES); Result.Height:= GetDeviceCaps (DC, VERTRES); Result.PixelFormat:= Quality; //Actual acquiring of screenshot image BitBlt(Result.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Result.Width, Result.Height, DC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); finally ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, DC); end; //Draw cursor if DrawCursor then begin R:= Result.Canvas.ClipRect; Icon:= TIcon.Create; try CursorInfo.cbSize:= SizeOf(CursorInfo); if GetCursorInfo(CursorInfo) then if CursorInfo.Flags = CURSOR_SHOWING then begin Icon.Handle:= CopyIcon(CursorInfo.hCursor); if GetIconInfo(Icon.Handle, IconInfo) then begin //Draw cursor image on screenshot image Result.Canvas.Draw( CursorInfo.ptScreenPos.x - Integer(IconInfo.xHotspot) - r.Left, CursorInfo.ptScreenPos.y - Integer(IconInfo.yHotspot) - r.Top, Icon); end; end; finally Icon.Free; end; end; end; // ---------------------- TJDRMImageBlock ------------------------ constructor TJDRMImageBlock.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Self.fBitmap:= TBitmap.Create; Self.fLeft:= 0; Self.fTop:= 0; end; destructor TJDRMImageBlock.Destroy; begin if assigned(Self.fBitmap) then Self.fBitmap.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJDRMImageBlock.SetWidth(Value: Integer); begin Self.fBitmap.Width:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMImageBlock.SetHeight(Value: Integer); begin Self.fBitmap.Height:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMImageBlock.SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); begin Self.fBitmap.PixelFormat:= Value; end; function TJDRMImageBlock.GetWidth: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fBitmap.Width; end; function TJDRMImageBlock.GetHeight: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fBitmap.Height; end; function TJDRMImageBlock.GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; begin Result:= Self.fBitmap.PixelFormat; end; function TJDRMImageBlock.GetJpeg: TJPEGImage; begin Result:= TJPEGImage.Create; Result.CompressionQuality:= Self.fCompression; Result.Assign(Self.fBitmap); end; function TJDRMImageBlock.GetStream: TMemoryStream; var J: TJPEGImage; begin J:= Self.GetJpeg; try Result:= TMemoryStream.Create; J.SaveToStream(Result); //Add more data to stream for image location, screen size, etc. finally J.Free; end; end; // ----------------------- TJDRMImageSplitter ----------------------------- constructor TJDRMImageSplitter.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Self.fBitmap:= TBitmap.Create; Self.PixelFormat:= pf24bit; Self.Compression:= 100; end; destructor TJDRMImageSplitter.Destroy; begin if assigned(Self.fBitmap) then Self.fBitmap.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJDRMImageSplitter.SetWidth(Value: Integer); begin Self.fBitmap.Width:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMImageSplitter.SetHeight(Value: Integer); begin Self.fBitmap.Height:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMImageSplitter.SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); begin Self.fBitmap.PixelFormat:= Value; end; function TJDRMImageSplitter.GetWidth: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fBitmap.Width; end; function TJDRMImageSplitter.GetHeight: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fBitmap.Height; end; function TJDRMImageSplitter.GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; begin Result:= Self.fBitmap.PixelFormat; end; //Obtains a specified section of the original full image function TJDRMImageSplitter.GetBlock(X, Y: Integer): TJDRMImageBlock; begin //X = column, Y = row //Make sure X and Y are within range if (X = 0) and (X = 0) and (Y Self.PixelFormat then Result.PixelFormat:= Self.PixelFormat; Result.Left:= fBitWidth * X; Result.Top:= fBitHeight * Y; //Set screen size Result.ScreenWidth:= Screen.Width; Result.ScreenHeight:= Screen.Height; //Set Compression for JPEG Result.Compression:= Self.Compression; //Copy section of the screenshot to new canvas Result.AsBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect( Rect( 0, 0, fBitWidth, fBitHeight ), Self.Bitmap.Canvas, Rect( fBitWidth * X, fBitHeight * Y, Self.Width - (fBitWidth * (Self.fHCount - X - 1)), Self.Height - (fBitHeight * (Self.fVCount - Y - 1)) ) ); except on e: exception do begin raise exception.Create('Error during block acquisition: '+#10+ e.Message); end; end; end else begin raise exception.Create('Block index out of bounds ['+IntToStr(X)+','+IntToStr(Y)+']'); end; end; //Draw new block image on canvas procedure TJDRMImageSplitter.SetBlock(Value: TJDRMImageBlock); begin if assigned(Value) then begin if assigned(Value.fBitmap) then begin if Value.fScreenWidth Self.fBitmap.Width then Self.fBitmap.Width:= Value.fScreenWidth; if Value.fScreenHeight Self.fBitmap.Height then Self.fBitmap.Height:= Value.fScreenHeight; Self.Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(Value.Left, Value.Top, Value.fBitmap); end; end; end; procedure TJDRMImageSplitter.SetVCount(Value: Integer); begin //Property Setting Procedure Self.fVCount:= Value; Self.fBitHeight:= Round(Self.Height / Self.fVCount); end; procedure TJDRMImageSplitter.SetHCount(Value: Integer); begin //Property Setting Procedure Self.fHCount:= Value; Self.fBitWidth:= Round(Self.Width / Self.fHCount); end; // --------------------------- TJDRMCustomDesktop ----------------------------- constructor TJDRMCustomDesktop.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Self.fBusy:= True; try Self.fActive:= False; Self.fBitmap:= TJDRMImageSplitter.Create(Self); Self.fBitmap.Width:= Screen.Width; Self.fBitmap.Height:= Screen.Height; Self.fLastBitmap:= TJDRMImageSplitter.Create(Self); Self.fLastBitmap.Width:= Self.fBitmap.Width; Self.fLastBitmap.Height:= Self.fBitmap.Height; Self.fTimer:= TTimer.Create(Self); Self.fTimer.Enabled:= False; Self.fTimer.Interval:= 5; Self.fTimer.OnTimer:= Self.TimerOnTimer; //Set Defaults Self.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; Self.VerticalCount:= 15; Self.HorizontalCount:= 15; Self.Compression:= 100; finally Self.fBusy:= False; end; end; destructor TJDRMCustomDesktop.Destroy; begin Self.fBusy:= True; if assigned(fBitmap) then fBitmap.Free; if assigned(fLastBitmap) then fLastBitmap.Free; if assigned(fTimer) then fTimer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; //Acquire next screenshot and process it procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.TimerOnTimer(Sender: TObject); var X, Y: Integer; B, B2: TJDRMImageBlock; begin //Only process if component is not busy if not Self.fBusy then begin Self.fBusy:= True; try if Self.fActive then begin //Acquire new screenshot and assign to fBitmap Self.GetScreenshot; //Loop through horizontal section count, then vertical for X:= 0 to Self.fBitmap.HorzCount - 1 do begin for Y:= 0 to Self.fBitmap.VertCount - 1 do begin //Exit if not active if not Self.fActive then begin Self.fBusy:= False; Exit; end; //Acquire blocks to compare B:= Self.fBitmap.GetBlock(X, Y); B2:= Self.fLastBitmap.GetBlock(X, Y); try //Compare blocks if not BitmapsAreSame(B, B2) then begin //Trigger new block event Self.NewBlock(B); //Set the 'last' bitmap's corresponding block to new one Self.fLastBitmap.SetBlock(B); end; finally B.Free; B2.Free; end; end; end; end; finally Self.fBusy:= False; end; end; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.SetActive(Value: Boolean); begin //Property Setting Procedure Self.fActive:= Value; Self.fTimer.Enabled:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.SetVerticalCount(Value: Integer); begin //Property Setting Procedure Self.fBitmap.VertCount:= Value; Self.fLastBitmap.VertCount:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.SetHorizontalCount(Value: Integer); begin //Property Setting Procedure Self.fBitmap.HorzCount:= Value; Self.fLastBitmap.HorzCount:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); begin //Property Setting Procedure Self.fBitmap.PixelFormat:= Value; Self.fLastBitmap.PixelFormat:= Value; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.SetCompression(Value: Integer); begin //Property Setting Procedure if Value 100 then Value:= 100; if Value Self.fBitmap.Width then Self.fLastBitmap.Width:= Self.fBitmap.Width; if Self.fLastBitmap.Height Self.fBitmap.Height then Self.fLastBitmap.Height:= Self.fBitmap.Height; finally B.Free; end; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktop.NewBlock(Block: TJDRMImageBlock); begin //Trigger new block event if assigned(Self.fNewBlockEvent) then begin Self.fNewBlockEvent(Self, Block); end; end; constructor TJDRMCustomDesktopView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csAcceptsControls, csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csSetCaption, csDoubleClicks]; Width := 185; Height := 41; Self.VertScrollBar.Visible:= True; Self.HorzScrollBar.Visible:= True; Self.fImage:= TImage.Create(Self); Self.fImage.Parent:= TWinControl(Self); Self.fImage.Left:= 0; Self.fImage.Top:= 0; Self.fImage.AutoSize:= True; Self.fSplitter:= TJDRMImageSplitter.Create(Self); Self.fTimer:= TTimer.Create(Self); Self.fTimer.Interval:= 0; Self.fTimer.OnTimer:= Self.TimerOnTimer; Self.fTimer.Enabled:= True; end; destructor TJDRMCustomDesktopView.Destroy; begin if assigned(Self.fSplitter) then Self.fSplitter.Free; if assigned(Self.fImage) then Self.fImage.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); const BorderStyles: array[TBorderStyle] of DWORD = (0, WS_BORDER); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := Style or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle]; if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then begin Style := Style and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; end; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle); begin if Value FBorderStyle then begin FBorderStyle := Value; RecreateWnd; end; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TMessage); begin DefaultHandler(Message); end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin if NewStyleControls and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then RecreateWnd; inherited; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.SetImageWidth(Value: Integer); begin Self.fSplitter.Width:= Value; Self.fImage.Picture.Assign(Self.fSplitter.Bitmap); end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.SetImageHeight(Value: Integer); begin Self.fSplitter.Height:= Value; Self.fImage.Picture.Assign(Self.fSplitter.Bitmap); end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.SetRefreshRate(Value: Integer); begin Self.fTimer.Interval:= Value; end; function TJDRMCustomDesktopView.GetImageWidth: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fSplitter.Width; end; function TJDRMCustomDesktopView.GetImageHeight: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fSplitter.Height; end; function TJDRMCustomDesktopView.GetRefreshRate: Integer; begin Result:= Self.fTimer.Interval; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.DrawBlock(Block: TJDRMImageBlock); begin Self.fSplitter.SetBlock(Block); end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.UpdateImage; begin Self.fImage.Picture.Assign(Self.fSplitter.Bitmap); //Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TJDRMCustomDesktopView.TimerOnTimer(Sender: TObject); begin if Self.fTimer.Interval 0 then begin Self.UpdateImage; end; end; end.