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Categories / Delphi / System

How do I determine the processor speed

Title: How do I determine the processor speed? CODE function GetCPUSpeed: String; const DelayTime = 500; var TimerHi, TimerLo: DWORD; PriorityClass, Priority: Integer; Speed: Double; begin PriorityClass := GetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess); Priority := GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); Sleep(10); asm dw 310Fh mov TimerLo, eax mov TimerHi, edx end; Sleep(DelayTime); asm dw 310Fh sub eax, TimerLo sbb edx, TimerHi mov TimerLo, eax mov TimerHi, edx end; SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, Priority); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, PriorityClass); Speed := TimerLo / (1000 * DelayTime); if Speed = 1000 then Result := FloatToStr(RoundTo(Speed/1000, -2)) + ' GHz' else Result := FloatToStr(RoundTo(Speed, -2)) + ' MHz'; end; Source: