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How can I get BIOS date and version under Win 9XMENT2000XP of Windows

Title: How can I get BIOS date and version under Win 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP of Windows? Question: If you want to get BIOS date and version in Windows NT/2000/XP you've gonna have problems. Answer: Sometimes you might want to get BIOS date and version of the BIOS to use it to create some protection for your program. Under Windows 9X it is very easy to do that. Here's an example: procedure GetBiosInfo (var Name, Copyright, Info, Date: string); const BiosName = $FE061; BiosCopyright = $FE091; BiosInfo = $FEC71; BiosDate = $FFFF5; begin try Name := string (PChar (Ptr (BiosName))); except Name := ''; end; try Copyright := string (PChar (Ptr (BiosCopyright))); except Copyright := ''; end; try Info := string (PChar (Ptr (BiosInfo))); except Info := ''; end; try Date := string (PChar (Ptr (BiosDate))); except Date := ''; end; end; But under Windows NT/2000/XP you've gonna have problems with this procedure because the address space of the bios is protected by the OS an every time you try to access these addresses an exception will be thrown. Happily you can find BIOS date and vesion in the registry(this is valid for Win 9X/ME too but the registry key is different). It is easy to obtain date from the registry but you've gonna have some problems reading the version information because it is stored as multi-string value (something like multirow string) which is not supported by TRegistry class. You can still get it as binary value and with little effort convert it to string list. I've done it for you. Here's an example: //this is the method which gets multi-string values from the registry //and converts them to TStringlist function ReadMultirowKey(reg: TRegistry; Key: string): TStrings; const bufsize = 100; var i: integer; s1: string; sl: TStringList; bin: array[1..bufsize] of char; begin try result := nil; sl := nil; sl := TStringList.Create; if not Assigned(reg) then raise Exception.Create('TRegistry object not assigned.'); FillChar(bin,bufsize,#0); reg.ReadBinaryData(Key,bin,bufsize); i := 1; s1 := ''; while i begin if ord(bin[i]) = 32 then s1 := s1 + bin[i] else begin if Length(s1) 0 then begin sl.Add(s1); s1 := ''; end; end; inc(i); end; result := sl; except sl.Free; raise; end; end; //this is an example of getting BIOS info from the registry //under Windows NT/2000/XP procedure TBIOSInfo.GetRegInfoWinNT; var Registryv : TRegistry; RegPath : string; sl : TStrings; begin Params.Clear; RegPath := '\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System'; registryv:=tregistry.Create; registryv.rootkey:=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; sl := nil; try registryv.Openkey(RegPath,false); ShowMessage('BIOS Date: '+RegistryV.ReadString('SystemBIOSDate')); sl := ReadMultirowKey(RegistryV,'SystemBIOSVersion'); ShowMessage('BIOS Version: '+sl.Text); except end; Registryv.Free; if Assigned(sl) then sl.Free; end; Now when you know how to get BIOS date and version under all kinds of windows you must only make a function which recognises the version of Windows currentry running and use one of the two methods to obtain these values. This could be easily done using JEDI Component Library's function IsWinNT or using the standard windows API funstion GetVersionEx.