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How can I change the volume

Title: How can I change the volume ? Question: How can I change the volume ? Answer: procedure SetVolume(X: Word); var iErr : Integer; i: integer; a: TAuxCaps; begin for i := 0 to auxGetNumDevs do begin auxGetDevCaps(i,Addr(a),SizeOf(a)); If a.wTechnology = AUXCAPS_CDAUDIO Then break; end; // Sets volume equally for left and right channels. // VOLUME := LEFT*$10000 + RIGHT*1 (or the other way? :) iErr:=auxSetVolume(i,(X*$10001)); if (iErr0) then ShowMessage('No audio devices are available!'); end; function GetVolume: Word; var iErr : Integer; i: integer; a: TAuxCaps; vol: word; begin for i := 0 to auxGetNumDevs do begin auxGetDevCaps(i,Addr(a),SizeOf(a)); If a.wTechnology = AUXCAPS_CDAUDIO Then break; end; iErr:=auxGetVolume(i,addr(vol)); GetVolume := vol; if (iErr0) then ShowMessage('No audio devices are available!'); end; You'll have to modify AUXCAPS_CDAUDIO to whatever suits (check out available values via the Ctrl+Space shortcut in Delphi)