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Hook into the Clipboard Notification Chain

Title: hook into the Clipboard Notification Chain? { *Just create a new form and call it ClipFormats. *Drop a TButton and call it btnUpdate. *Drop a TListBox and call it lbFormats. Then just add the code below and hook up all the event handlers. All it does is display all the formats currently on the clipboard and updates as soon as the clipboard changes. * Erstelle eine Neue Form und nenne sie ClipFormats. * Plaziere einen TButton auf ihr und nenne ihn btnUpdate. * Plaziere eine TListBox auf ihr und nenne sie lbFormats. Dann füge den untenstehenden Code hinzu und linke alle Ereignis-Prozedure. Es zeigt dann alle Formate an, welche sich momentan in der Zwischenablage befinden und wird aktualisiert, sobald sich der Inhalt der Zwischenablage ändert. } unit DynaClip; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TClipFormats = class(TForm) btnUpdate: TButton; lbFormats: TListBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } NextWindow: HWND; procedure WMChangeCBChain(var Message: TWMChangeCBChain); message WM_CHANGECBCHAIN; procedure WMDrawClipboard(var Message: TWMDrawClipboard); message WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD; public { Public declarations } end; var ClipFormats: TClipFormats; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMDIChildClipFormats.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin NextWindow := SetClipboardViewer(Handle); end; procedure TClipFormats.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin ChangeClipboardChain(Handle, NextWindow); end; procedure TClipFormats.WMChangeCBChain(var Message: TWMChangeCBChain); begin with Message do begin if (Remove = NextWindow) then begin NextWindow := Next; end else begin SendMessage(NextWindow, WM_CHANGECBCHAIN, Remove, Next); end; end; end; procedure TClipFormats.WMDrawClipboard(var Message: TWMDrawClipboard); begin btnUpdate.Click; SendMessage(NextWindow, WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD, 0, 0); end; procedure TClipFormats.btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); const PreDefinedFormats: array[1..16] of string = ('CF_TEXT', 'CF_BITMAP', 'CF_METAFILEPICT', 'CF_SYLK', 'CF_DIF', 'CF_TIFF', 'CF_OEMTEXT', 'CF_DIB', 'CF_PALETTE', 'CF_PENDATA', 'CF_RIFF', 'CF_WAVE', 'CF_UNICODETEXT', 'CF_ENHMETAFILE', 'CF_HDROP', 'CF_LOCALE'); var ClipFormat: TClipFormat; szBuffer: array[0..511] of Char; FormatID: string; begin if not OpenClipboard(Handle) then Exit; try lbFormats.Items.BeginUpdate; try lbFormats.Items.Clear; ClipFormat := EnumClipboardFormats(0); while (ClipFormat 0) do begin if (ClipFormat in [1..16]) then begin FormatID := PreDefinedFormats[ClipFormat]; end else begin GetClipboardFormatName(ClipFormat, szBuffer, SizeOf(szBuffer)); FormatID := string(szBuffer); end; lbFormats.Items.Add(Format('%s [%d]', [FormatID, ClipFormat])); ClipFormat := EnumClipboardFormats(ClipFormat); end; finally lbFormats.Items.EndUpdate; end; finally CloseClipboard; end; end; end.