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Categories / Delphi / System


program Project1; {$IMAGEBASE $13140000} uses Windows; function Main(dwEntryPoint: Pointer): longword; stdcall; begin {now we are in notepad} LoadLibrary('kernel32.dll'); LoadLibrary('user32.dll'); MessageBox(0, 'Hello, now I am in the memory of another process!', 'Hijacked Process', 0); MessageBox(0, 'Now we can do anything we want. :)', 'Hijacked Process', 0); MessageBox(0, 'You can even delete the original exe and these message boxes will still be here.', 'Hijacked Process', 0); MessageBox(0, 'See?', 'Hijacked Process', 0); MessageBox(0, 'Told you.', 'Hijacked Process', 0); MessageBox(0, 'Ok, bye.', 'Hijacked Process', 0); MessageBox(0, 'I''ll close notepad for you ;)', 'Hijacked Process', 0); ExitProcess(0); Result := 0; end; procedure Inject(ProcessHandle: longword; EntryPoint: pointer); var Module, NewModule: Pointer; Size, BytesWritten, TID: longword; begin Module := Pointer(GetModuleHandle(nil)); Size := PImageOptionalHeader(Pointer(integer(Module) + PImageDosHeader(Module)._lfanew + SizeOf(dword) + SizeOf(TImageFileHeader))).SizeOfImage; VirtualFreeEx(ProcessHandle, Module, 0, MEM_RELEASE); NewModule := VirtualAllocEx(ProcessHandle, Module, Size, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); WriteProcessMemory(ProcessHandle, NewModule, Module, Size, BytesWritten); CreateRemoteThread(ProcessHandle, nil, 0, EntryPoint, Module, 0, TID); end; var ProcessHandle, PID: longword; StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; begin {lets make a new process} CreateProcess(nil, 'notepad', nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo); {give it some time to wake up} Sleep(500); {and hijack it!} GetWindowThreadProcessId(FindWindow('Notepad', nil), @PID); ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, PID); Inject(ProcessHandle, @Main); CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); {we have a copy of ourself running in notepad so we can exit} end.