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Categories / Delphi / System

Hiding Disabling the taskbar

Title: Hiding / Disabling the taskbar Question: How can I disable / enable, show / hide the taskbar? Answer: First, we'll have to find the taskbar window. After that, we'll send a message to do the magic. Here are two functions that do the trick: procedure EnableTaskBar(Enable : boolean); var hTaskBarWindow : HWnd; begin hTaskBarWindow:=FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',nil); if hTaskBarWindow0 then EnableWindow(hTaskBarWindow,Enable); end; procedure ShowTaskbar(Visible: boolean); var hTaskBarWindow : HWnd; begin hTaskBarWindow:=FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',nil); if hTaskBarWindow0 then if Visible then ShowWindow(hTaskBarWindow, SW_SHOW) else ShowWindow(hTaskBarWindow, SW_HIDE) end;