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Getting Windows important directories

Title: Getting Windows important directories Question: How can I get the location of the Windows, System, Program Files and Temp directories? Answer: Overview -------- Many people think the Windows directory is C:\WINDOWS, that the System directory is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, that the temporary directory is C:\WINDOWS\TEMP and that the program files directory is C:\PROGRAM FILES, etc. Well, the fact is that this is not always true. For example, the temporary directory is usually determined by environment variables, and in Spanish installations the default program files directory is C:\ARCHIVOS DE PROGRAMA. Here we present a set of functions to get theactual location of these important directories. These functions need the Windows unit. They all raise an exception if they fail. The Windows Directory --------------------- function GetWindowsDir: TFileName; var WinDir: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; begin SetString(Result, WinDir, GetWindowsDirectory(WinDir, MAX_PATH)); if Result = '' then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); end; The Windows System Directory ---------------------------- function GetSystemDir: TFileName; var SysDir: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; begin SetString(Result, SysDir, GetSystemDirectory(SysDir, MAX_PATH)); if Result = '' then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); end; The Program Files Directory --------------------------- function GetProgramFilesDir: TFileName; begin Result := GetRegistryData(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion', 'ProgramFilesDir'); // or 'ProgramFilesPath' end; Note: GetRegistryData is featured in my article "Accessing the Windows Registry" (keyword: GetRegistryData). The Temporary Directory ----------------------- This is the directory where applications can store temporary files. You should not use for this purpose the directory where your application is located for two reasons: 1) Using a common temporary directory simplifies the cleaning process when users want to recover unused hard disk space, and 2) In Windows NT the user (and thus your application) might not have enough permissions to create files in the directory where it is installed. The following function returns the location of the temporary directory and attempts to create it if it doesn't exist. function GetTempDir: TFileName; var TmpDir: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; begin try SetString(Result, TmpDir, GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, TmpDir)); if not DirectoryExists(Result) then if not CreateDirectory(PChar(Result), nil) then begin Result := IncludeTrailingBackslash(GetWindowsDir) + 'TEMP'; if not DirectoryExists(Result) then if not CreateDirectory(Pointer(Result), nil) then begin Result := ExtractFileDrive(Result) + '\TEMP'; if not DirectoryExists(Result) then if not CreateDirectory(Pointer(Result), nil) then begin Result := ExtractFileDrive(Result) + '\TMP'; if not DirectoryExists(Result) then if not CreateDirectory(Pointer(Result), nil) then begin raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); end; end; end; end; except Result := ''; raise; end; end;