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Getting the greatest common divisor

Title: Getting the greatest common divisor Question: Ever wanted to find the greatest common divisor in a fraction ? Answer: Using Euclids algorithm we accomplish this task easily. This article demonstrates the recursive GreatestCommonDivisor() function. function gcd(num1, num2: integer): integer; var remainder: integer; begin remainder := num2 mod num1; if (remainder 0) then result := gcd(remainder, num1) else result := num1; end; { Example: to find the greatest common divisor of the fraction 64 over 16 call gcd() like this: gcd(64,16) - remainder is 16 thus it calls itself with the remainder,num1 as parameters. This returns 16 which is the greatest common divisor. gcd(64,16) = gcd(16,64) = 16 }