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Getting the cached passwords in Win9X

Title: Getting the cached passwords in Win9X Question: How can i get the cached passwords from win9x ? Answer: program getpass; ........ type ... ListBox: TListBox; procedure getpasswords; ....... end; const Count: Integer = 0; function WNetEnumCachedPasswords(lp: lpStr; w: Word; b: Byte; PC: PChar; dw: DWord): Word; stdcall; implementation {$R *.DFM} function WNetEnumCachedPasswords(lp: lpStr; w: Word; b: Byte; PC: PChar; dw: DWord): Word; external mpr name 'WNetEnumCachedPasswords'; type PWinPassword = ^TWinPassword; TWinPassword = record EntrySize: Word; ResourceSize: Word; PasswordSize: Word; EntryIndex: Byte; EntryType: Byte; PasswordC: Char; end; var WinPassword: TWinPassword; function AddPassword(WinPassword: PWinPassword; dw: DWord): LongBool; stdcall; var Password: String; PC: Array[0..$FF] of Char; begin inc(Count); Move(WinPassword.PasswordC, PC, WinPassword.ResourceSize); PC[WinPassword.ResourceSize] := #0; CharToOem(PC, PC); Password := StrPas(PC); Move(WinPassword.PasswordC, PC, WinPassword.PasswordSize + WinPassword.ResourceSize); Move(PC[WinPassword.ResourceSize], PC, WinPassword.PasswordSize); PC[WinPassword.PasswordSize] := #0; CharToOem(PC, PC); Password := Password + ': ' + StrPas(PC); Form1.ListBox.Items.Add(Password); Result := True; end; procedure tform1.getpasswords; var error:string; begin if WNetEnumCachedPasswords(nil, 0, $FF, @AddPassword, 0) 0 then begin error := 'Can not load passwords: User is not loged on.'; end else if Count = 0 then error := 'No passwords found...' end;