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Get Windows Version

Title: Get Windows Version Question: Class to extract Windows version information. Includes Service pack Info and other extended information. Answer: unit MW_WinVersion; interface {$REGION 'Documentation'} // ============================================================================= // UltraRAD Components // Mike Heydon 2009 // // Return Extended information of Windows Version // // ============================================================================= {$ENDREGION} uses Windows, SysUtils, Registry, MW_Unicode; // See end of article for MW_Unicode {$REGION 'Types and Classes'} type { TWindowsVersion Class } TWindowsVersion = class(TObject) public type TWindowsOSType = (winUnknown,win31,win95,win95OSR2,winNT,win98, win98se,winME,win2000,winXP,win2003,winVista,win7); TWindowsOSClass = (cWorkstation,cServer); strict private const VER_NT_WORKSTATION : integer = $1; VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER : integer = $2; VER_NT_SERVER : integer = $3; VER_WORKSTATION_NT : integer = $40000000; VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS : integer = $1; // Microsoft Small Business Server VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE : integer = $2; // Win2k Adv Server or .Net Enterprise Server VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE : integer = $4; // Microsoft Backoffice VER_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS : integer = $8; VER_SUITE_TERMINAL : integer = $10; // Terminal Services is installed. VER_SUITE_SBUS_RESTRICTED : integer = $20; VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT : integer = $40; VER_SUITE_DATACENTER : integer = $80; // Win2k Datacenter VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS : integer = $100; // Terminal server in remote admin mode VER_SUITE_PERSONAL : integer = $200; VER_SUITE_BLADE : integer = $400; // Microsoft .Net webserver installed // Vista Related VER_KERNELDLL = 'Kernel32.dll'; VER_VISTACALL = 'GetProductInfo'; VER_MSVISTA = 'Windows Vista (%s)'; VER_MSWIN7 = 'Windows 7 (%s)'; // Vista Product Constants VER_BUSINESS = $00000006; VER_BUSINESS_N = $00000010; VER_CLUSTER_SERVER = $00000012; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER = $00000008; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE = $0000000C; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE_V = $00000027; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER_V = $00000025; VER_ENTERPRISE = $00000004; VER_ENTERPRISE_N = $0000001B; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER = $0000000A; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE = $0000000E; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_V = $00000026; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE_V = $00000029; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64 = $0000000F; VER_HOME_BASIC = $00000002; VER_HOME_BASIVER_N = $00000005; VER_HOME_PREMIUM = $00000003; VER_HOME_PREMIUM_N = $0000001A; VER_HOME_SERVER = $00000013; VER_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS = $00000018; VER_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER = $00000009; VER_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER_PREMIUM = $00000019; VER_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MANAGEMENT = $0000001E; VER_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MESSAGING = $00000020; VER_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_SECURITY = $0000001F; VER_STANDARD_SERVER = $00000007; VER_STANDARD_SERVER_V = $00000024; VER_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE = $0000000D; VER_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE_V = $00000028; VER_STARTER = $0000000B; VER_STORAGE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER = $00000017; VER_STORAGE_EXPRESS_SERVER = $00000014; VER_STORAGE_STANDARD_SERVER = $00000015; VER_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_SERVER = $00000016; VER_UNDEFINED = $00000000; VER_ULTIMATE = $00000001; VER_ULTIMATE_N = $0000001C; VER_WEB_SERVER = $00000011; VER_WEB_SERVER_CORE = $0000001D; VER_UNLICENSED = $ABCDABCD; strict private type TGetProductInfoAPI = function(dwOSMajorVersion,dwOSMinorVersion, dwSpMajorVersion,dwSpMinorVersion : DWORD; pdwReturnedProductType : PDWORD) : BOOL stdcall; POSVersionInfoEx = ^TOSVersionInfoEx; TOSVersionInfoEx = packed record dwOSVersionInfoSize : DWORD; dwMajorVersion : DWORD; dwMinorVersion : DWORD; dwBuildNumber : DWORD; dwPlatformId : DWORD; {$IFDEF UNICODE} szCSDVersion : array [0..127] of WideChar; {$ELSE} szCSDVersion : array [0..127] of AnsiChar; {$ENDIF} wServicePackMajor : word; wServicePackMinor : word; wSuiteMask : word; wProductType : byte; wReserved : byte; end; strict private FSPackName, FSpackStr,FClassName, FVerStr,FOpSysName : string; FOpSysType : TWindowsOSType; FVerBuild, FVerMajor,FVerMinor, FSPackMajor,FSPackMinor : longword; FClassType : TWindowsOSClass; procedure _GetWinVersion; procedure _GetVistaVersion; function _GetVistaApiPointer : pointer; function _IsVista : boolean; public constructor Create; property OpSysName : string read FOpSysName; property OpSysType : TWindowsOSType read FOpSysType; property OpSysVerStr : string read FVerStr; property OpSysVerMajor : longword read FVerMajor; property OpSysVerMinor : longword read FVerMinor; property OpSysBuild : longword read FVerBuild; property SPackName : string read FSPackName; property SPackVerStr : string read FSPackStr; property SPackVerMajor : longword read FSPackMajor; property SPackVerMinor : longword read FSPackMinor; property OpSysClassName : string read FClassName; property OpSysClassType : TWindowsOSClass read FClassType; end; {$ENDREGION} // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------implementation {$REGION 'Constructor and Internals'} constructor TWindowsVersion.Create; begin inherited Create; _GetWinVersion; if _IsVista then _GetVistaVersion end; function TWindowsVersion._GetVistaApiPointer : pointer; var pResult : pointer; begin pResult := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(VER_KERNELDLL),VER_VISTACALL); Result := pResult; end; // ================================================== // Returns true is Vista is the operating system. // This will detect even in in emulation mode // ================================================== function TWindowsVersion._IsVista : boolean; var pResult : pointer; begin pResult := _GetVistaApiPointer; Result := Assigned(pResult); end; {$ENDREGION} {$REGION 'Windows up to 2003'} procedure TWindowsVersion._GetWinVersion; var rInfo : TOSVersionInfoEx; pVer : POSVersionInfo; bIsExtended : boolean; oReg : TRegistry; sData : string; begin // Try calling GetVersionEx using the new OSVERSIONINFOEX structure. // If that fails, try using the old OSVERSIONINFO structure. ZeroMemory(@rInfo,SizeOf(TOSVersionInfoEx)); rInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(TOSVersionInfoEx); pVer := @rInfo; bIsExtended := GetVersionEx(pVer^); if not bIsExtended then begin rInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(TOSVersionInfo); if not GetVersionEx(pVer^) then raise Exception.Create('TWindowsVersion() - Unable to determine Version'); end; FVerStr := Format('%d.%d',[rInfo.dwMajorVersion,rInfo.dwMinorVersion]); FVerMajor := rInfo.dwMajorVersion; FVerMinor := rInfo.dwMinorVersion; FVerBuild := rInfo.dwBuildNumber; FSPackStr := Format('%d.%d',[rInfo.wServicePackMajor,rInfo.wServicePackMinor]); FSPackMajor := rInfo.wServicePackMajor; FSPackMinor := rInfo.wServicePackMinor; case rInfo.dwPlatformId of // Test for the Windows NT product family. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: begin // Test for the specific product family. if (rInfo.dwMajorVersion = 5) then begin case rInfo.dwMinorVersion of 0 : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows 2000'; FOpSysType := win2000; end; 1 : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows XP'; FOpSysType := winXP; end; 2 : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows Server 2003'; FOpSysType := win2003; end; end; end; if (rInfo.dwMajorVersion = 4) then begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows NT'; FOpSysType := winNT; end; // Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 and later. if bIsExtended then begin // Test for the workstation type. if (rInfo.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then begin FClassType := cWorkstation; if(rInfo.dwMajorVersion = 4) then FClassName := 'Workstation 4.0' else if boolean((rInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_PERSONAL)) then FClassName := 'Home Edition' else FClassName := 'Professional'; end // test for the server type. else if (rInfo.wProductType = VER_NT_SERVER) then begin FClassType:= cServer; if rInfo.dwMajorVersion = 5 then begin case rInfo.dwMinorVersion of 0 : begin // 2000 server FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows Server 2000'; if boolean((rInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER)) then FClassname := 'Datacenter Server' else if boolean((rInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE)) then FClassName := 'Advanced Server' else FClassName := 'Server'; end; 1 : begin // 2003 server if boolean((rInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER)) then FClassName := 'Datacenter Edition' else if (rInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) = 0 then FClassName := 'Enterprise Edition' else if (rInfo.wSuitemask = VER_SUITE_BLADE) then FClassName := 'Web Edition' else FClassName := 'Standard Edition'; end; end; end // windows nt 4.0 else begin if boolean((rInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE)) then FClassName := 'Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition' else FClassName := 'Server 4.0'; end; end; end // Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 and earlier else begin oReg := TRegistry.Create; oReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; oReg.OpenKey('SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions',false); sData := UpperCase(oReg.ReadString('ProductType')); oReg.CloseKey; FreeAndNil(oReg); if sData = 'WINNT' then FClassName := 'Workstation' else if sData = 'SERVERNT' then FClassName := 'Server' else if sData = 'LANMANNT' then FClassName := 'Advanced Server'; FClassName := FClassName + Format(' %d.%d ',[rInfo.dwMajorVersion,rInfo.dwMinorVersion] ); end; // Display service pack (if any) and build number. if (rInfo.dwMajorVersion = 4) and AnsiSameText(rInfo.szCSDVersion,'Service Pack 6') then begin oReg := TRegistry.Create; oReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // Test for SP6 versus SP6a. if oReg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\Q246009',false) then FSPackName := Format('Service Pack 6a (Build %d)',[rInfo.dwBuildNumber and $FFFF]) else FSPackName := Format('%s (Build %d)',[rInfo.szCSDVersion,rInfo.dwBuildNumber and $FFFF]); oReg.CloseKey; FreeAndNil(oReg); end // Windows NT 3.51 and earlier or Windows 2000 and later else FSPackName := Format('%s (Build %d)',[rInfo.szCSDVersion,rInfo.dwBuildNumber and $FFFF]); end; // Test for the Windows 95 product family. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS : begin FClassType := cWorkstation; FSPackName := rInfo.szCSDVersion; if rInfo.dwMajorVersion = 4 then begin case rInfo.dwMinorVersion of 0 : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows 95'; FOpSysType := win95; if (rInfo.szCSDVersion[1] = 'C') or (rInfo.szCSDVersion[1] = 'B') then begin FClassName := 'OSR2'; FOpSysType := win95OSR2; end; end; 10 : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows 98'; FOpSysType := win98; if (rInfo.szCSDVersion[1] = 'A') then begin FClassName := 'SE'; FOpSysType := win98se; end; end; 90 : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Windows Millennium'; FOpSysType := winME; end; end; end; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s : begin FOpSysName := 'Microsoft Win32s'; FClassType := cWorkstation; FOpSysType := win31; end; end; FSPackName := trim(FSPackName); end; {$ENDREGION} {$REGION 'Vista'} procedure TWindowsVersion._GetVistaVersion; var GetProductInfoAPI : TGetProductInfoAPI; pFunction : pointer; iProdType : DWORD; sName : string; begin sName := ''; pFunction := _GetVistaApiPointer; if Assigned(pFunction) then begin case FVerMinor of 0 : begin FOpSysName := 'Micosoft Vista'; FOpSysType := winVista; end; 1 : begin FOpSysName := 'Micosoft Windows 7'; FOpSysType := win7; end; end; @GetProductInfoAPI := pFunction; if GetProductInfoAPI(6,0,0,0,@iProdType) then begin case iProdType of VER_BUSINESS : sName := 'Business Edition'; VER_BUSINESS_N : sName := 'Business Edition'; VER_CLUSTER_SERVER : sName := 'Cluster Server Edition'; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER : sName := 'Server Datacenter Edition (full installation)'; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE : sName := 'Server Datacenter Edition (core installation)'; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE_V : sName := 'Server Datacenter Edition without Hyper-V (core installation)'; VER_DATACENTER_SERVER_V : sName := 'Server Datacenter Edition without Hyper-V (full installation)'; VER_ENTERPRISE : sName := 'Enterprise Edition'; VER_ENTERPRISE_N : sName := 'Enterprise Edition'; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER : sName := 'Server Enterprise Edition (full installation)'; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE : sName := 'Server Enterprise Edition (core installation)'; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_V : sName := 'Server Enterprise Edition without Hyper-V (full installation)'; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE_V : sName := 'Server Enterprise Edition without Hyper-V (core installation)'; VER_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64 : sName := 'Server Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems'; VER_HOME_BASIC : sName := 'Home Basic Edition'; VER_HOME_BASIVER_N : sName := 'Home Basic Edition'; VER_HOME_PREMIUM : sName := 'Home Premium Edition'; VER_HOME_PREMIUM_N : sName := 'Home Premium Edition'; VER_HOME_SERVER : sName := 'Home Server Edition'; VER_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS : sName := 'Server for Small Business Edition'; VER_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER : sName := 'Small Business Server'; VER_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER_PREMIUM : sName := 'Small Business Server Premium Edition'; VER_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MANAGEMENT : sName := 'Windows Essential Business Server Management Server'; VER_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MESSAGING : sName := 'Windows Essential Business Server Messaging Server'; VER_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_SECURITY : sName := 'Windows Essential Business Server Security Server'; VER_STANDARD_SERVER : sName := 'Server Standard Edition (full installation)'; VER_STANDARD_SERVER_V : sName := 'Server Standard Edition without Hyper-V (full installation)'; VER_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE : sName := 'Server Standard Edition (core installation)'; VER_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE_V : sName := 'Server Standard Edition without Hyper-V (core installation)'; VER_STARTER : sName := 'Starter Edition'; VER_STORAGE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER : sName := 'Storage Server Enterprise Edition'; VER_STORAGE_EXPRESS_SERVER : sName := 'Storage Server Express Edition'; VER_STORAGE_STANDARD_SERVER : sName := 'Storage Server Standard Edition'; VER_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_SERVER : sName := 'Storage Server Workgroup Edition'; VER_UNDEFINED : sName := 'An unknown product'; VER_ULTIMATE : sName := 'Ultimate Edition'; VER_ULTIMATE_N : sName := 'Ultimate Edition'; VER_WEB_SERVER : sName := 'Web Server Edition'; VER_WEB_SERVER_CORE : sName := 'Web Server Edition (core installation)'; VER_UNLICENSED : sName := 'Unlicensed product'; end; case FVerMinor of 0 : FClassName := Format(VER_MSVISTA,[sName]); 1 : FClassName := Format(VER_MSWIN7,[sName]); end; end; end; end; {$ENDREGION} end. // Code for MW_Unicode unit MW_Unicode; interface {$REGION 'Documentation'} // ================================================================================ // UltraRAD Components // Mike Heydon 2009 // // Unicode Tools Unit that handles system.string types in both D2009 Unicode and // D2007 Ansi strings. Both ANSI and Unicode will compile and work transparently using // this module if used correctly. // // NOTES : // ------- // Be aware of D2009 when concating widestring buffers with a single char string eg. '=' as the // compiler will give an error about coverting short strings and will fail at runtime with an // "Access Violation". It seems to be that the compiler takes the 1 char string as a char as // opposed to a string. // // Take the following declaration .. var a1,a2 : array [0..512] of char; // // Statement D2007 D2009 // ---------------- ------- ------------------------------ // a1 + '=' + a2; OK Compiler and Runtime Errors // a1 + '==' a2; OK OK // // Solution that works for both D2007 and D2009 // var sEqual : string; // sEqual := '='; // a1 + sEqual + a2; // // // Constants .. // ------------ // CHAR_SIZE - Character Size, will set itself to (1 for = D2007) and (2 for = D2009) // // Static language functions .. // ---------------------------- // StrSize(const AString : string) - Returns size of string in bytes as opposed to length // AnsiToUni(const AString : AnsiString) - Returns Unicode string of Ansi without warnings. // UniToAnsi(const AString : string) - Returns Ansi string of Unicode without warnings. // IsUnicode : boolean; - Used to determine if default string is Unicode or ANSI // at runtime. Compile time checking can be obtained by // {$IFDEF UNICODE} ... // MemberOf(AChar : char; ACharSet : set of AnsiChar) - Handles the reduction of warning messages // that occur with "if cVar in ['a'..'z'] ..." // // Classes .. // ---------- // TByteBuffer - Creates a a simple static byte array buffer that can be used as pointers to // API calls or I/O functions. The Delphi dynamic "TBytes : array of byte" does not // always react in the way you think when passing it as a buffer to API or I/O calls. // TByteBuffer uses GetMem and FreeMem as opposed to SetLength(arr,x) and thus // passes a TRUE pointer to the actual data. TBytes will sometimes act as a pointer // to a pointer to the data. // // // TStringBuffer - Creates an static byte array buffer that can be used as pointers to // LPSTR and LPWSTR in Windows API calls. The class can be created via a string, // in which case the size and type is automatically set for the version, or // manually sized with manual type for generic buffers. In D2009 api calls such as // CreateProcess() typically fail if the pchar pointers are NOT static structures. // ie. string constants, dynamic strings, referenced strings or arrays will FAIL // with access violations. Most of D2009 API calls now use PWideChar as opposed // to D2007 wich used mainly PAnsiChar. // // Address Returns a pointer to the static buffer, can be type cast to PChar etc. // Value[Index] Used to read or set individual bytes of the array. // ToString Returns a string representation of the buffer dependant on BufferType. // BufferSize Returns the size of the buffer array in bytes // Assign Assigns the contents of a memory pointer to Buffer for Buffer length bytes. // NOTE : No checking for memory walk. Assigned pointer must contain and own valid // memory for Buffer size. // // Expample ... // // CreateProcess in Delphi 2009 causes Access Violation if a normal PChar of a string // variable is passed and the CommandLine argument. It requires a static as opposed // to a dynamic structure pointer. ReadFile also uses the buffer as ansi, but will // convert to ansi or unicode string automativally depending on Delphi version // // class procedure WinMisc.ExecConsolePipe(const AConsoleCommand : string; // AList : TStrings; // ATimeoutSeconds : integer = 15); // var rSecurity : TSecurityAttributes; // hReadPipe,hWritePipe : THandle; // rStart : TStartUpInfo; // rProcessInfo : TProcessInformation; // iLoop : integer; // oBuffer,oCommand : TStringBuffer; // iBytesRead,iApprunning : DWORD; // begin // ATimeoutSeconds := abs(ATimeoutSeconds) * 10; // iLoop := 0; // AList.Clear; // AList.BeginUpdate; // rSecurity.nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); // rSecurity.binherithandle := true; // rSecurity.lpsecuritydescriptor := nil; // // if Createpipe(hReadPipe,hWritePipe,@rSecurity, 0) then begin // FillChar(rStart,Sizeof(rStart),#0); // rStart.cb := SizeOf(rStart); // rStart.hStdOutput := hWritePipe; // rStart.hStdInput := hReadPipe; // rStart.dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES + STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; // rStart.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; // oCommand := TStringBuffer.Create(AConsoleCommand); // // try // if CreateProcess(nil,oCommand.Address,@rSecurity,@rSecurity,true, // NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,nil,nil,rStart, // rProcessInfo) then begin // repeat // inc(iLoop); // iApprunning := WaitForSingleObject(rProcessInfo.hProcess,100); // Application.ProcessMessages; // until (iApprunning WAIT_TIMEOUT) or (iLoop ATimeoutSeconds); // // oBuffer := TStringBuffer.Create(C_DOSBUFFER,btAnsi); // // repeat // iBytesRead := 0; // ReadFile(hReadPipe,oBuffer.Address^,C_DOSBUFFER,iBytesRead,nil); // oBuffer.Value[iBytesRead] := 0; // AList.Text := AList.Text + oBuffer.ToString; // until (iBytesRead C_DOSBUFFER); // // FreeAndNil(oBuffer); // end; // except // end; // // FreeAndNil(oCommand); // CloseHandle(rProcessInfo.hProcess); // CloseHandle(rProcessInfo.hThread); // CloseHandle(hReadPipe); // CloseHandle(hWritePipe); // end; // // AList.EndUpdate; // end; // // UniToAnsi() and AnsiToUni() is also actually faster than letting the compiler do the // conversion for you (with warning message), plus the code will read EXACTLY what you are // intending to do with the Unicode and Ansistring conversions. // // Timings of a 50,000 loop with stringlength og 1600 characters. // // UNI to ANSI // -------------------------- // ASSEMBLER Millisecs 297 // eg. szString := UniToAnsi(sString); // // LOOP CODE Millisecs 1004 // eg. for i := 1 to length(szString) do // sResult[i] := AnsiChar(sString[i]); // // IMPLICIT Millisecs 334 // eg. szString := sString; (Compiler will emit warining} // // // ANSI to UNI // -------------------------- // ASSEMBLER Millisecs 428 // eg. sString := AnsiToUni(szString); // // LOOP CODE Millisecs 833 // eg. for i := 1 to length(sString) do // szResult[i] := char(szString[i]); // // IMPLICIT Millisecs 433 // eg. sString := szString; (Compiler will emit warining} // // ================================================================================================= {$ENDREGION} uses SysUtils; const CHAR_SIZE = SizeOf(char); {$REGION 'Types and Classes'} type { TStringBuffer Class } TStringBuffer = class(TObject) strict private type PByteArray = ^TByteArray; TByteArray = array [0..0] of byte; PWordArray = ^TWordArray; TWordArray = array [0..0] of word; TBufferType = (btAnsi,btUnicode); strict private FBufferType : TBufferType; FBufLen : integer; FBuffer : PByteArray; function GetFAddress : pointer; procedure SetFValue(AIndex : integer; AValue : byte); function GetFValue(AIndex : integer) : byte; function _GetString : string; public constructor Create(const AString : string); overload; constructor Create(ABufferSize : integer; ABufferType : TBufferType); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function ToString : string; {$IFDEF UNICODE} override; {$ENDIF} function BufferAsAnsi : AnsiString; {$IFDEF UNICODE} function BufferAsUni : string; {$ELSE} function BufferAsUni : WideString; {$ENDIF} procedure Assign(ABufferPointer : pointer); procedure FillBytes(AValue : byte); procedure FillWords(AValue : word); // Properties property Address : pointer read GetFAddress; property Value[AIndex : integer] : byte read GetFValue write SetFValue; property BufferSize : integer read FBufLen; end; { TByteBuffer Class } TByteBuffer = class(TObject) strict private type PByteArray = ^TByteArray; TByteArray = array [0..0] of byte; strict private FBufLen : integer; FBuffer : PByteArray; function GetFAddress : pointer; procedure SetFValue(AIndex : integer; AValue : byte); function GetFValue(AIndex : integer) : byte; public constructor Create(ABufferSize : integer); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(ABufferPointer : pointer); procedure FillBytes(AValue : byte); // Properties property Address : pointer read GetFAddress; property Value[AIndex : integer] : byte read GetFValue write SetFValue; property BufferSize : integer read FBufLen; end; {$ENDREGION} // Function Prototypes function StrSize(const AString : string) : integer; inline; function AnsiToUni(const AString : AnsiString) : string; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} inline; {$ENDIF} function UniToAnsi(const AString : string) : AnsiString; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} inline; {$ENDIF} function IsUnicode : boolean; inline; function MemberOf(AChar : char; ACharSet : TSysCharSet) : boolean; inline; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implementation {$REGION 'Public Functions'} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ================================================================= // Returns true if version default string is Unicode at runtime // ================================================================= function IsUnicode : boolean; inline; begin Result := (CHAR_SIZE 1); end; // ================================================= // Get size of string in bytes based on char size // ie. Unicode char=2 and Ansi char=1 bytes // ================================================= function StrSize(const AString : string) : integer; inline; begin {$IFDEF UNICODE} Result := length(AString) shl 1; {$ELSE} Result := length(AString); {$ENDIF} end; // ======================================================================= // Convert an ANSI to a Unicode string (or Ansi if D2007) // without generating warnings // The ASSEMBLER routine is an optimised version of .... // // function AnsiToUni(const AString : AnsiString) : string; // var sResult : string; // {$IFDEF UNICODE} // i : integer; // {$ENDIF} // begin // {$IFDEF UNICODE} // SetLength(sResult,length(AString)); // for i := 1 to length(AString) do sResult[i] := char(AString[i]); // {$ELSE} // sResult := AString; // {$ENDIF} // // Result := sResult; // end; // // ======================================================================= function AnsiToUni(const AString : AnsiString) : string; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} inline; {$ENDIF} var sResult : string; begin {$IFDEF UNICODE} if AString = '' then sResult := '' else begin SetLength(sResult,length(AString)); asm push esi // Save CPU states push edi push ebx lea ebx,[AString] // Get address of source ANSI AString mov esi,[ebx] // Set pointer register to the address AString lea ebx,[sResult] // Get address of dest UNI sResult mov edi,[ebx] // Set pointer register to address of rResult mov ecx,dword ptr [edi - 4] // Store length of ANSI sResult in bytes cld // Set move direction to forward @Loop: movsb // Copy byte from source to target mov byte ptr [edi],0 // Make it a PWideChar inc edi // Add 1 for PWideChar, esi is autoinc dec ecx // Decrement counter jnz @Loop // Do until all bytes copied pop ebx // Restore CPU states pop edi pop esi end; end; {$ELSE} sResult := AString; {$ENDIF} Result := sResult; end; // =========================================================================== // Convert a Unicode to an ANSI (or Ansi if D2007) // without generating warnings // The ASSEMBLER routine is an optimised version of .... // // function UniToAnsi(const AString : string) : AnsiString; // var sResult : AnsiString; // {$IFDEF UNICODE} // i : integer; // {$ENDIF} // begin // {$IFDEF UNICODE} // SetLength(sResult,length(AString)); // for i := 1 to length(AString) do sResult[i] := AnsiChar(AString[i]); // {$ELSE} // sResult := sResult; // {$ENDIF} // // Result := sResult; // end; // // =========================================================================== function UniToAnsi(const AString : string) : AnsiString; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} inline; {$ENDIF} var sResult : AnsiString; begin {$IFDEF UNICODE} if AString = '' then sResult := '' else begin SetLength(sResult,length(AString)); asm push esi // Save CPU states push edi push ebx lea ebx,[AString] // Get address of source UNI AString mov esi,[ebx] // Set pointer register to the address AString lea ebx,[sResult] // Get address of dest ANSI sResult mov edi,[ebx] // Set pointer register to address of rResult mov ecx,dword ptr [edi - 4] // Store length of ANSI sResult in bytes cld // Set move direction to forward @Loop: movsb // Copy byte from source to target inc esi // Add 1 for PWideChar, edi is autoinc dec ecx // Decrement counter jnz @Loop // Do until all bytes copied pop ebx // Restore CPU states pop edi pop esi end; end; {$ELSE} sResult := AString; {$ENDIF} Result := sResult; end; // ================================================================================= // Vallidate a char in a set. Note Unicode chars above #254 are NOT considered // to be part on any set and are ignored by this function. // // In the following code Delphi 2009 will generate a warning. MemberOf() does // not generate any warning and will correctly in both 2007 and 2009 // // var c : char; // s : TSysCharSet; // begin // c := '9'; // s := ['1'..'9']; // // if c in s then showmessage('Ok'); // { **** [DCC Warning] WideChar reduced to byte char in set expressions.... } // // { No Warning and processes transparent to version // if MemberOf(c,s) then showmessage('Ok'); // // end; // ================================================================================= function MemberOf(AChar : char; ACharSet : TSysCharSet) : boolean; inline; begin {$IFDEF UNICODE} Result := CharInSet(AChar,ACharSet); {$ELSE} Result := AChar in ACharSet; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDREGION} {$REGION 'TStringBuffer Class'} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TStringBuffer.Create(const AString : string); var cNull : char; iStrLen : integer; begin inherited Create; // Set buffer type depending on compiler version // D2007 string will be ANSI, D2009 string will be Unicode by default if CHAR_SIZE = 1 then FBufferType := btAnsi else FBufferType := btUnicode; cNull := #0; iStrLen := StrSize(AString); // Allow for terminating #0 FBufLen := iStrLen + CHAR_SIZE; GetMem(FBuffer,FBufLen); move(AString[1],FBuffer^[0],iStrLen); // Add terminating #0 move(cNull,FBuffer^[iStrLen],CHAR_SIZE); end; // =================================================================== // Manually create character buffer by specifying size in bytes and // what type of char is stored in the buffer. // =================================================================== constructor TStringBuffer.Create(ABufferSize : integer; ABufferType : TBufferType); begin inherited Create; FBufferType := ABufferType; FBufLen := ABufferSize; // Unicode needs 2 bytes per char, buffer cannot be odd number. if (FBufferType = btUnicode) and Odd(FBufLen) then inc(FBufLen); GetMem(FBuffer,FBufLen); FillChar(FBuffer^[0],FBufLen,0); end; destructor TStringBuffer.Destroy; begin FreeMem(FBuffer); inherited Destroy; end; // ================================================================================ // Return a pointer to char buffer. This pointer is compatible with LPSTR,LPWSTR, // PWIDECHAR and PANSICHAR as used by windows API calls. // ================================================================================ function TStringBuffer.GetFAddress : pointer; begin // Point to first byte of array structure Result := @FBuffer^[0]; end; // =============================================================== // Get and Set the array element char value by index property // NOTE : No checking for index out of bounds! // =============================================================== procedure TStringBuffer.SetFValue(AIndex : integer; AValue : byte); begin FBuffer^[AIndex] := AValue; end; function TStringBuffer.GetFValue(AIndex : integer) : byte; begin Result := FBuffer^[AIndex]; end; // ========================================================================================= // System.String representation of the buffer depending on buffer storage type and // system.string being Unicode or Ansi string. // The buffer is represented as 1 byte ANSI or 2 byte Unicode. The buffer will auto convert // to a Delphi system.string type depending on version. // // D2007 will return an ANSI string // D2009 will retuen a Unicode string // ========================================================================================= function TStringBuffer._GetString : string; var sResult : string; i,iIdx,iChars : integer; pBuffer : PWordArray; begin if FBufferType = btAnsi then iChars := FBufLen else iChars := FBufLen div CHAR_SIZE; SetLength(sResult,iChars); iIdx := 0; // Buffer is one byte ansi sdata if FBufferType = btAnsi then begin for i := 0 to FBufLen - 1 do begin if FBuffer^[i] = 0 then break else begin inc(iIdx); sResult[iIdx] := char(FBuffer^[i]); end; end; end else begin // Buffer is 2 byte unicode data, process as WORD array pBuffer := @FBuffer^[0]; for i := 0 to (FBufLen div 2) - 1 do begin if pBuffer^[i] = 0 then break else begin inc(iIdx); sResult[iIdx] := char(pBuffer^[i]); end; end; end; SetLength(sResult,iIdx); Result := sResult; end; function TStringBuffer.ToString : string; begin Result := _GetString; end; // ==================================================================== // Manually return an AnsiString value regardless of compiler version // based on the buffer storage type. // ==================================================================== function TStringBuffer.BufferAsAnsi : AnsiString; var sResult : AnsiString; i,iIdx,iChars : integer; pBuffer : PWordArray; begin if FBufferType = btAnsi then iChars := FBufLen else iChars := FBufLen div CHAR_SIZE; SetLength(sResult,iChars); iIdx := 0; // Buffer is one byte ansi sdata if FBufferType = btAnsi then begin for i := 0 to FBufLen - 1 do begin if FBuffer^[i] = 0 then break else begin inc(iIdx); sResult[iIdx] := AnsiChar(FBuffer^[i]); end; end; end else begin // Buffer is 2 byte unicode data, process as WORD array pBuffer := @FBuffer^[0]; for i := 0 to (FBufLen div 2) - 1 do begin if pBuffer^[i] = 0 then break else begin inc(iIdx); sResult[iIdx] := AnsiChar(pBuffer^[i]); end; end; end; SetLength(sResult,iIdx); Result := sResult; end; // ======================================================================== // Manually return a Unicode value regardless of compiler version // based on the buffer storage type. // NOTE : D2007 will return a type WideString // This is not usually used in D2007 but included for coppleteness // ======================================================================== {$IFDEF UNICODE} function TStringBuffer.BufferAsUni : string; begin Result := _GetString; end; {$ELSE} function TStringBuffer.BufferAsUni : WideString; var sResult : WideString; sBuffer : string; i : integer; begin sBuffer := _GetString; SetLength(sResult,length(sBuffer)); for i := 1 to length(sBuffer) do sResult[i] := WideChar(sBuffer[i]); Result := sResult; end; {$ENDIF} // ======================================================================== // Copy the contents of one TStringBuffer into another for the size // of this classes buffer. // NOTE : No bound checks are performed! // ======================================================================== procedure TStringBuffer.Assign(ABufferPointer : pointer); begin move(ABufferPointer^,FBuffer^[0],FBufLen); end; procedure TStringBuffer.FillBytes(AValue : byte); begin FillChar(FBuffer^[0],FBufLen,AValue); end; procedure TStringBuffer.FillWords(AValue : word); var i : integer; pBuffer : PWordArray; begin if odd(FBuflen) then raise Exception.Create('Base64.FillWords() - Buffer is not a multiple of WORD.') else begin pBuffer := @FBuffer^[0]; for i := 0 to (FBufLen div 2) - 1 do pBuffer^[i] := AValue; end; end; {$ENDREGION} {$REGION 'TByteBuffer Class'} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TByteBuffer.Create(ABufferSize : integer); begin inherited Create; FBufLen := ABufferSize; GetMem(FBuffer,FBufLen); FillChar(FBuffer^[0],FBufLen,0); end; destructor TByteBuffer.Destroy; begin FreeMem(FBuffer); inherited Destroy; end; // ================================================================================ // Return a pointer to buffer. // ================================================================================ function TByteBuffer.GetFAddress : pointer; begin // Point to first byte of array structure Result := @FBuffer^[0]; end; // =============================================================== // Get and Set the array element char value by index property // NOTE : No checking for index out of bounds! // =============================================================== procedure TByteBuffer.SetFValue(AIndex : integer; AValue : byte); begin FBuffer^[AIndex] := AValue; end; function TByteBuffer.GetFValue(AIndex : integer) : byte; begin Result := FBuffer^[AIndex]; end; // ======================================================================== // Copy the contents of one TByteBuffer into another for the size // of this classes buffer. // NOTE : No bound checks are performed! // ======================================================================== procedure TByteBuffer.Assign(ABufferPointer : pointer); begin move(ABufferPointer^,FBuffer^[0],FBufLen); end; procedure TByteBuffer.FillBytes(AValue : byte); begin FillChar(FBuffer^[0],FBufLen,AValue); end; {$ENDREGION} end.